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Andy was exhausted the next morning. She had stayed up since Alice had gotten there talking about all things vampires.

Alice had kept the conversation revolving around vampires, trying to keep the mutant wolves out of the girls head.

Andy couldn't help but laugh at the girls behaviour. It's like she forgot tjat Andy was extremely observant, of course she would notice how Alice's strange behaviour about the topic.

Andy could barely stay awake as she sat with Bella and her friends outside for lunch. It was a beautiful day, sunny and much warmer than usual. Most kids in the school were taking advantage of the weather.

"They're not here," Jessica spoke up.

"What?" Bella asked the girl.

"The Cullen's aren't here. They never show up whenever its sunny."

"So they just skip?" Bella questioned the girl.

"No, Dr and Mrs Cullen pull them out to go camping whenever the weather is nice," Jess explains. "Tried that on my parents, it's so not happening."

"Right," Andy laughs trying to find a way to get the attention off the family.

As if coming to her rescue, Angela comes and announces how she's going to prom with Eric. The conversation quickly diverts to dress shopping.

Andy uses this as an opportunity to get the hell out of that conversation before Bella can ask to come.


Andy would be lying if she said she wasn't avoiding her sister. She felt awful about it, but she knew something about the family and she just couldn't tell her.

The young girl would also be lying if she said that she didn't miss her sister. Andy use to cling to her sister like her life depended on it. Now the girl just looks more in control.

Control was strange to her. Sometimes it felf like she could rule the world and others it felt like she was drowing and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't save herself.

It's like ever since she found out about what she was, she would imagine strange things happening. Sometimes she would see this golden gloe surrounding her hands, other times it would be a silver glow.

The dreams she would get were also driving her crazy. She refused to mention them to anyone in fear they would think she's crazy, but the girl just knew they meant something.

This lead to her avoiding the Cullen's. From what she learned about Valerians, she could be developing new abilities. She didn't want to be the center of attention, she hated attention.

The idea of them trying to test what she could do made her want to hide.

It was her avoiding everyone she knew that lead to her heading to the reservation with her father.

She was hoping that she could maybe head out and hide somewhere, maybe the woods, to try and test her abilities herself.

Healing was probably something she could easily get a handle on, pbysical healing at least. She had more than likely healed herself plenty of times.

It was the mental healing that had her stumped. How was that a thing? Was it different from taking emotions away or was it considered the same thing. What was the glowing around her hands?

These are the things she was going to figure out. She was determined to do it on her own.

The Black house was small and looked run down, but despite it's kind of sad appearance it had a home vibe. It was approachable, welcoming.

It made you feel like you would always be welcomed.

Andy loved the place, but waht she loved the most was how close it was to the woods, somewhere she could disappear of to.

She could think their. People didn't often wander into the woods.

By the time Charlie had been greeted by the people in the Black residence, Andy was already hurriedly making her way down one of the paths. It wasn't that she wanted to be rude, she just knew that if she was to go in the house she would feel smothered and suffocated.

Sometimes Andy wanted to be alone, but she didn't want to feel lonely. People would often give up on her because she was closed off.

As she trekked through the forest, her thougjts wondered back to Quil. The boy was persistent she'd give him that. She liked how he stuck around, how he was able to make her laugh.

Reaching a small clearing, she sat in the center and looked up towards the sky. Andy figured the first part of control was to get herself to relax.

Looking up, she could see the sun trying to shine through the clouds, small patches of light seeping through the trees. She felt at peace here, where there was no one around to influence the way she felt.

Taking out her phone, she goes through her contacts until she lands on the one she was looking for.

"Hello?" she hears through the line.

"Hey Quil, you busy?" she asks.

Andy could hear noise in the background.

"Uh, no not really, just with Jake and Embry. What's up?" Quil tells her, trying to sound cool and confident.

Laughing slightly at his attitude, Andy feels confident in herself for once.

"Let's play a game. I'm in the woods near Jake's house. Why don't you boys come find me?"

With that she hung up on him.







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