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Running through the trees, the wind whipping her hair all around her Andy felt free.

It had been years since she felt this young, this childish. Her childhood was filled with doctor appointments and hovering parents. Full of pity-filled glances, and wary looks.

Weaving in between trees, keeping close to the path with teenage boys chasing after her was fun. She liked fun.

Something about all of this made Andy want to stop and take pictures. To take in the scenery, analyze the beauty of the nature around her. She vowed to come back for a photo shoot, maybe take Bella or one of the Cullen's with her.

Andy glanced behing her only to find them closing in. With an excited laugh she picks up the pace and tries to outrun them.

She knew they would catch her, that she would lose, but she couldn't bring herself to regret initiating the game.

Stopping behing a particularly large tree, Andy tries to catch her breath. Keeping quiet, she could hear the boys come to a stop.

"Andy!" Jacob calls.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Quil adds on.

Placing a hand over her mouth, she tries to smother her giggles. She quickly and quietly picks her way through the trees so that she's behind the boys.

Andy whistles to grab their attention before taking off back towards the Black residence. Leaving behind confused boys, one in particular wearing a goofy grin.


Right as Andy made it out of the tree line the rain started. She laughed at the misfortune of the boys, hoping they wouldn't get drenched.

Taking shelter in Jacobs makeshift garage, Andy took the time to think before the boys showed up.

Sure she didn't get the chance to think, but she did put herself around people and mamage to feel completely at ease.

There had to be something about this situation that was key to control.

More test would have to follow.

Glancing around towards the woods, she tried to spot the boys returning. Seeing no sign of them, she turns and goes snooping through Jake's work place.

Frankly, the place was a mess. It was obvious it was a boys space. Garbage and random tools laying around all over.

It was making her uncomfortable.

Pushing the feeling aside, she tries to find anything that could be used as blackmail material, but Jake comes up clean.

Heaving a sigh, she turns to the car that Jake was fixing up. Looking under the opened hood, she couldn't help but admire the work the boy was doing. This was seriously cool.

The sound of footsteps brought her out of her thoughts and she goes back to the entrance to see the boys nearing the house.

"Hey!" Andy calls. "Quil!"

The boy in question looks up to where she called him from, a smile adorning his face.

He quickly jogs to close the distance between them, scooping her up in his arms, and shaking his wet hair all over her.

Andy freezes momentarily in his arms, not at all used to people, especially guys, being this close to her. Slowly, she wraps her arms around his shoulders, holding him close.

She might not be used to people showing her affection, but she really loved it.

"I see you got caught in the rain," she shyly whispers.

Corrupted Lungs | Quil Ateara [1]Where stories live. Discover now