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Slumped in the back of her dad's police car, Andy struggled to keep her eyes open. She wanted to hear what was going on outside, what her father and sister were saying.

She knew that Charlie was probably explaining everything, so that the boys didn't freak out.

She also knew that Bella was probably making sure she didn't sound crazy, that she was probably beating herself up about not being with her when it happened.

Turning, she looked out the window with heavy lids. Watching as her sister gestured widly with her hamds and got more tempered as time passed.

She's like a momma bear, Andy thought.

Huddling in the seat, Andy tries to relax.

The after effects of her attacks were horrible. She was exhausted, both physically and mentally, yet she tense. She was so wound up that she continued her shaking.

Keeping her gaze away from Quil, Andy couldn't help but worry about what Quil thought of her.

Feelings of self-loathing and shame bubbled inside her. Feelings that she knew belonged to her.

She hated how she couldn't prevent it. People always looked on at her with wary or pity filled looks.

She could imagine what he must of been thinking.

She never wanted this to happen. Her first crush and she goes and acts like a crazy around him.

Andy didn't even know she was crying until she felt wetness on her cheeks.

Hastily wiping away her tears, Andy pulls her jacket closer to her body. It was already nearing the end of May, but this part of Washington always seemed to be cold.

It wasn't long before her sister had hopped intovthe backseat with her, quickly pulling Andy into her arms.

The two stayed snuggled into eachother the entire way home. Even then Bella had hardly left Andy's side.

"Bells, is there something wrong with me?" Andy whispered to her sister.

Bella sat straight at her sisters question and pulled the girl even closer.

"There's nothing wrong with you Ands, you just feel more than others," Bella told her sister whilst something her hair down.

Snorting softly, Andy nuzzles her head into her sisters neck.

"I messed it uo with the Quileute boys, I just know it."

"Don't say that," Bella starts. "You just-"

"- they're gonna think I'm crazy," Andy interrupts.

Not knowing how to respond, Bella just holds her little sister. Wanting nothing more than to make her feel better.


It was Sunday afternoon and Andy had yet to leave her room.

She stayed hidden under her covers in the dark. Refusing to answer her phone or speak to anyone other than Bella because of the La Push incident.

Bella had, had enough. Becoming desperate to get her sister to act like the fun loving girl she knew, she had called in reinforcements.

Alice knew Bella was going to call, but she was surprised to hear of the reasoning behind it.

Jasper and Alice had rushed to the Swan residence. Edward close behind, aving to take a car in order to keep up appearances.

The pixie girl took initiative of the situation. Goign directly to Andy's room, turning on the lights and takimg the girls comforter.

"Time to get out of bed Andy," Alice states. "I want you up and getting ready. We are going out."

"I don't wanna," she mutters rolling over.

"Don't make me get Jasper," the pixie threatens. "He likes to cheat."

Andy picked up ber pillow and threw it in the direction of the vampire. Dhe knew she was going to miss but it was the thought behind the action that count.

"Andrea," Alice sighed. "It's not a big deal. It happens to everyone."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does. Did you know people thought I was literally crazy before I turned."

Andy was quick to sit up. Facing her friend with wide eyes.

"Really? Why?"

"It was my gift. I was probably meant to always be a vampire but it was awful before I turned."

"I don't have to be a vampire to have control, do I?" Andy asked with a frown.

"No, of course not," Alice laughed. "There could be a reason why you have the abilities you do, or you could just have them because you're awesome. Either way it doesn't make you any less a person, it doesn't make you crazy."

Nodding silently, Andy tried to wrap her head around Alice's words. She had issues but she wasn't crazy. She was awesome. She didn't have to hide because she had friends. She had amzaing abilities that she had to learn. She had possible abilities that have yet to develop.

She was gonna be okay as long as she had her friends.

Hopping out of bed with a huge smile, Andy ran to her closet.

"So what are we doing today?" she called out.

"Playing baseball with the rest of the family, but first Jasper wanted to spend sone time with you."

Throwing on a polka dot blouse and bigh waisted pants, she tucked in her top. Grabbing a purse she sprinted out of her closest then out of her room.

"Wait," Alice called to her.

Holding the door frame, she stopped and spun around.

Alice eyed her up and down before smiling.

"Okay you're good."

Andy made a face at her friend before continuing on her way to fimd Jasper downstairs.




Huge thank you to everyone that comments and votes. It makes my day. Thank you to everyone that actually reads this. I love seeing the number go up.

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