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Things were going great for Andy. The feeling of control stayed with her for the rest of the week. It was like, the more time she spent with the two members of the Cullen family. The better she felt.

Somehow, she was able to decide what she wanted to feel when she was around them.

She had also noticed how the Cullen family seemed in better spirits since she started school. She had no idea what it was that changed their attitude, they still didn't speak to anyone, but you could tell something was different. Better.

Andy still kept to herself more, she still had trouble trusting people, but she was still making friends. Becoming a better friend. It was like Alice and Jasper glued to her side.

Unbeknownst to her, Alice and Jasper stuck to her side to make sure that the Cullen's weren't overbearing for her.

It was during lunch when Alice came to speak to her infront of everyone in the cafeteria.

"Do you mind if I borrow Andy for a few minutes?" Andy asked the table full of Bella's shocked friends.

"Uh- yea- yes, of course," Mike Newton stuttered.

"Great!" Alice exclaimed. She quickly grabbed Andy's hand and dragged her away, out the cafeteria.

"Slow down!" Andy told her friend.

"I'm just excited!"

"About what?"

"Come shopping with me this weekend?" Alice asks.

"Wha-? Umm yeah sure," Andy says. "What day?"

Upon her acceptance, Alice did a sqeal and a happy little dance.

"Saturday, but we will probably get back really late. So how would you feel about a sleepover?" Alice says casually. As if she already knew how the conversation was going to play out.

"Um, well, you see, I-uh, never really had a sleepover before."

Alice gives her a tiny smile, "neither have I."

Andy looks at the girl, quickly making the decision to sleepover at the mysterious Cullen house.

Wiggling her eyebrows, she says "so we'll be eachothers first?"

The two stare at eachother before bursting into laughter.

"Look out Jasper," Andy hollers. "Andy's coming for your girl!"

Alice follows Andy back into the cafeteria, listening to Andy talk excitedly about their plans for the weekend.

In the cafeteria, Jasper sat with his head in his hands trying to hide his laughter. Emmett sat with his laugh bellowing, not even trying to hide his amusement.

"She's great, isn't she?" Jasper said to his siblings.

All of them, even Rosalie, smiled at Jasper's happiness.


Its was early Saturday morning when Andy was woken up earlier than normal.

"Bella, what...?" she sleepily asks.

"I'm leaving soon to go to La Push," she whispers. "You sure you don't want to come?"

"Yeah Bell's, I have plans," she mumbles. "What time is it?"

"Around 9:30, almsot 10," she said walking out the room.

"Oh god," Andy groans into her pillow.

"Andy wake up," Charlie tells her. "Its almost 11. Your friend will be here soon."

Corrupted Lungs | Quil Ateara [1]Where stories live. Discover now