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"So what? They're coming after us now?" Andy heard Bella practically scream at her boyfriend.

Standing outside the passenher seat of the jeep, Bella looked at Edward in a mixture of nervousness and anger.

Edward, who was busy trying to get her into the jeep, froze at her words and swiftly turned around only to see Andy standing behind him in between Alice and Jasper.

"You were going to leave without me," she quietly accuses him.

Not waiting for him to answer, she climbs into the backseat with Alice close behind her.

Andy let Alice buckle the harness on her as she listened to the conversation taking place in the front seat.

Looking out the window as they drove, they were heading south. Away from Forks.

"Where are we going?" Andy asked.

Bella looked out the window and realized what was going on. She looked at Edward expectantly.

"Dammit, Edward! Where are you taking us?" she snapped.

"We have to get you away from here, the both of you."

"No take us home!" Bella shouts.

Turning to Alice, Andy looked at her with tear filled eyes.

"We have to go home Allie," she pleaded. "We have to go home!"

From the front seat Bella was half pleading, half raging at ber boyfriend.

"You can't do this! We ned to go home! What about Charlie! He's the Chief! He'll call the damn FBI, the president even, if we don't go home."

"Think of your family. Carlisle, Esme," Andy adds. "Rose, Emmett and Jasper! They'll have to leave, go into hidding!"

"Edward, pull over," Alice spoke for the first time.

"James is a tracker, Alice, did you see that?! He doesn't give up. My reaction set him off, I just made this his most interesting game ever," Edward seethed.

Andy tensed under Edwards emotions. His feelings of hate and anger rolling over her skin made her eyes water at the pain it was causing her. Closing her eyes, she tries to do what she had practiced with Jasper but she simply wasn't experienced enough in it.

Slipping her hand into Alice's, she squeezes it as tightly as she could to try and distract herself.

"We have to get you out of town somewhere safe," he continues. "It won't be long before he uncovers your scent in town."

With wide eyes, andy snaps her head towards Alice. Not sure if she's quite understanding what is happening.

"What? No! We can't just leave! What about Charlie?" Bella screamed. "It'll lead him straight to Charlie!"

"Edward, pull over." Alice ordered. "Let's just look at our options."

Tightening his grip on the streering wheel, he breathes in harshly before the car screeches to a halt.

"There are no options," Edward hissed.

"You have to take us back!" Bella yelled.

Turning in his seat he faces Alice, just as Emmett showed up at the side of the jeep, climbing into the empty seat.

"We have to take her back," Emmett spoke up.

"He's a tracker, once he starts something we can't shake him. He's unstoppable."

"There are enough of us that, we can take him," Alice points out.

"We'd have to kill him," Edward growled.

Corrupted Lungs | Quil Ateara [1]Where stories live. Discover now