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It's safe to say that Andy was not prepared to go back to school on the monday after the accident.

She was scared that people were going to try and speak to her about it. That they would approach her and she wouldn't be able to answer them.

The sisters arrived later than usual to school, trying to avoid having to speak with anyone. Andy just wanted to hide.

Keeping her head down, Andy rushed her way to her firs class.

The rest of the week went the same way, Andy rushing and avoiding people. It went on like that for another week.

Two weeks after the accident, Andy and Bella were boarding yellow school buses for a biology fieldtrip. The girls sat together and pretended to be listening to music so they could ignore everyone.

Andy was walking at the back of the group, watching her sister talk to Edward. She knew just by watching that her sister was asking about the accident. She could tell by the way he got defensive.

Andy continued to hang around the back when she was cornered by Alice and Jasper.

"You've been avoiding us," Alice states.

Andy looks at the girl. To others she would be considered short, but to Andy, well they were the same height.

"I'm sorry, Allie," she starts to apologize. "I just-"

"- we get it." Jasper cuts her off, giving her a look. "Just don't do it anymore."

Andy finds herself smiling, a huge grin slipping onto her face.

"Your brother," she starts. "He doesn't really know how to get a girl to like him does he?"

Alice let's out a windchime laugh, and, to her surprise, Jasper laughs as well.

"It's been a long time since he's approached a girl like this," Alice tells her with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Well, for what it's worth, I think they would be cute together."

Alice turns to her with a huge smile, "that's what I've been saying!"

"Do you think one of them will make a move?" Andy asks her.

Alice stares blanky for a few minutes, as if she was thinking.

"I guess only time will tell," Alice whistfully said. "If only it was possible to see the future."


"I heard that we are apparently going to Jacksonville the weekend of the dance," Andy says to Bella as soon as they get home.

Bella turns to her sister, not sure of what to say. Andy never went out so she just assumed she wouldn't mind ditching the event.

"Its a good thing I don't like dances," Andy continues. "I also saw you talking to hair."

"You were right," Bella tells her. "He used the exact excuses you said he would and he tried to end the conversation as soon as I mentioned his strenght."

"What else did you guys talk about?"


Andy sits up straighter and looks at her sister. "How would he know about Jacksonville?"

Bella just shrugs. She has no idea how he could have known.

"Guess we can add superhearing, or mindreading to the list," Andy says like it's no big deal.

Bella takes a moment to observe her sister. She has been much more passive of everything lately. She knows her sister habits, so its easy for her to identify when her sister is getting back into the habit of just brushing everything off until it all gets too much.

She also knows that there is nothing she can do to help her when she's like that. She can't force her sister to open up, she just had to wait.

Andy felt weird. She knew she was worrying her family, but it was different than what they expected.

To her, it felt like she was finally in control. Like she wasn't smothered in other people expectations or feelings. She felt like herself. She felt weird, but she loved it. She didn't want to lose this feeling.

Andy looks at the picture she took of Quil. She remembered taking extra with thw film. She would never admit it, but Quil was the kind of person she could fall in love with.

He was upfront and center. He had plenty of friends, he wasn't scared of attention, hell, he was capable of having a normal conversation.

Andy was the girl that was looked over easily, like she was a shadow that was destined to watch others. She wasn't the girl guys would want. She knew that, made her peace with it.

It still sucked though.






This is sort of a filler, so its hella short. The next chapter will def be longer.

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