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The school week passed quickly for Andy. She talk to a few people in class and sat with Bella and her friends at lunch.

It also became a routine for her to leave the cafeteria early and meet Alice and Jasper outside of her next class. Whether she waits for them, or if they wait for her they also met, and they always had conversations about an assortment of things. It was during those times that she felt most normal.

So when school ended on Friday, Andy wasted no time in dragging Bella directly to the truck.

Both girls slowed when they got to the car. Bella stopped at the drivers side to grab her keys as Andy made to go around the front of the truck.

"Andy, wait, could you you help me look for my keys?" Bella asked.

Pausing slightly, Andy takes a moment to think before looking back over at her sister. "You put them in your pencil case so you wouldn't lose-"

A loud screeching and honking caused both girls to spin around. Tyler, a friend of Bella's, van come skidding in their direction.

Knowing that she wasn't fast enough to get out of the way herself, Bella quickly shoves andy to the side.

Landing hard on the ground, the side of Andy's head makes contact with the ground. Feeling like everything is out of focus, she hears a byzzing in her head.

She gently lifts her hand to probe the area and feels a warm stickiness. Knowing that she's bleeding, she goes back and feels a deep cut on the side of her head.

When Andy feels like she might me okay to move again, she shakily crawls towards the truck and over to Bella.

"Bella?" she calls out.

Hearing her sister, Bella turns and reaches for ber sister. Pulling her into a tight hug.

"Ow," Andy whimpers.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Bella gently grabs her sisters face and moves it around. "Look at what I did to you. Im so sorry."

"Bella, stop, wait, you saved me. You're like a hero," Andy tell her sister, trying to calm her. " you dont have to keep looking if its making you uncomfortable, the blood I mean."

"No. It's okay. I'm okay," her older sister tells her. "They already called an ambulance so you're going to be fine. In case you were wondering."

Seeing her sisters grin, Andy laughs.

"I honesty forgot about an ambulance," she honestly replies.


Across the parking lot, the Cullen's stood watching the Swan's in bewilderment.

Andy Swan was bleeding heavily from her head and the blood had no scent. The bloodflow already stopping, like the wound had clotted in a matter of minutes.

Jasper and Alice already knew there was something different about the girl, but this was a puzzle to all of them.

The also watched in awe as the bruises that were visible on Bella Swan slowly started to fade, like they were never there in the first place.

Not one of them notice a slight golden glow that surrounded Andy's small hands.


The Swan girls always hated hospitals. Bella because she was in them far too often. Andy because it made her feel like she was suffocating. She always felt like there were so many emotions weighing down on her chest that it physically hurt her.

Corrupted Lungs | Quil Ateara [1]Where stories live. Discover now