Treize [pt. 2]

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Andy stared down at her phone with a goofy grin on her face. Turning off the device, she plugs it into the charger and leaves to go find her sister.

Nearing her sisters door, she tentatively knocks, lowkey hoping that her sister wasn't there or that she was already in bed.

"Yeah?" she hears through the door.

Andy audibly sigs. Reaching out, she pushes the door open just enough to stick her head in.

"Hey Bells," Andy said cautiously.

"Andy," the sister sniffed.

"How was your day?"

"You knew what they were."

"I see he threw me under the bus," Andy mutters.

"Right well, they kinda had no choice, but to, umm tell me," Andy spoke. "What did Edward tell you?"

"The basics. Strength, speed, food, the basics," Bella tells her. "Said something about Jasper helping you."

Andy wasn't sure what to do. Edward had given her the optionto tell her sister about what she was. She could tell her sister resulting in things potentially becoming easier, but at the same time it would hurt her sister. Andy had been feeling awful for the longest time and it could have been Bella's fault.

"With the mood control, he's been making me feel better."

"Mood control? How does that even work?"

Letting out a small laugh, Andy shakes her head and starts to describe things in as much details as possible.

It was nice to be able to talk to her sister like this again. Andy loved Bella more than anyone, it was killing her to have to ignore her.


The Swan sisters were in an amazing mood that Friday morning. Bella was going to spend time with her vampire boyfriend, and Andy was gping to head down to La Push.

"Bella?" Andy calls to her sister in a sickly sweet voice.

"What do you want?"

"Drive me to Jacobs after school?" Andy asks, fluttering her eyelashes for added effect.

Bella turns to level her sister with a look, watching her fidget under her gaze.

"I guess, sure."

Bella watches as a smile breaks onto her little sisters face. It wasn't often that Andy got excited for anything. It was a rare occurrence, and if Andy was willing to go out of her comfort zone to hang out at Jacobs then she had no problem in dropping her off.

With a bright smile on her face, Andy jumped up to grab her bag amd rushed to the door.

"Your meds!" Bella calls to her.

Freezing in ber tracks, Andy feels ber shoulders slump. A cold feeling spreading through her chest as realization hit her.

Even if she thought she was getting better, she probably wasn't. Her anxiety was her own. The feeling of flight she got in most situations belonged to her. The way her lungs constricted when she was uncomfortable was all her.

Andy loved the idea of control, but the realkty was that she was more than likely never going to achieve control. She was always going to depend on her sister to look after her, to always be there when she was lost at sea.

Walking back to Bella, she gives her sister a small sad smile before taking her pills.

"I think I'll bring one of my cameras with me to school today," Andy whispers to her sister. "I'm feeling kind of off."

Grabbing her Canon, she lets out a shaky laugh before heading out the front door.

It was going to be a long day.






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