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"The Cullen. They're Dr. and Mrs Cullen's foster children." The brunette with stiff hair says.

"They kinda keep to themselves," glasses replies.

"That's because they're all together. Like together together."

Glasses glances at the other and lightly scolds,"it's not like they're actually related Jess."

Andy inwardly smiles, so the girl with bad hair is named Jessica.

Deciding not to listen to any of Jessica's explanation, Andy decides to observe the group knowing that Bella would fill her in later.

They all had some kind of feel about them. All of them had weird eyes and pale skin that appeared to be flawless.

There was one person that seemed different from the rest though, the stiff blonde. His hair was a mess and he had this look in his eyes, one that was screaming multiple things. To Andy it was like looking in the mirror. Not the eye color, but the emotions behind the boys eyes. She just wished she could take away his pain. The more she watched him the more uncomfortable she became.

Abruptly standing from the table, she grabbed her stuff and all but ran from the cafeteria.


Andy decided that her best bet would be to head to her next class. Arriving with plenty of time to spare, she sits on the floor listening to music.

Patiently waiting and trying to calm herself down, she sees a pair of feet stop in front of her.

Looking up, she sees the pixie girl from the table of pretty people watching her.

"I'm Alice," the pixie introduces.

"Andy," she mutters.

"We are going to be great friends," Alice told her.

Andy looked to her in bewilderment. "Wha- how do you know?" she asked.

Alice went to answer before she glanced to the right. Andy followed her gaze and saw the blond boy from earlier.

Feeling uncomfortable with both of them present, Andy takes out her phone in hopes it will hint them that she wants to be alone.

"Jasper Hale, ma'am," the tell blond states.

Andy lets a small sly smile betray her. "Ma'am? Makes me sound like a real lady, yet here I am sitting on the ground."

"I'm not one to question a lady." He chuckles.

"And you shouldn't, but I'm no lady." Andy retorts.

A smirk creeps onto his face,"and a modest lady at that."

"Well if I'm a lady, what would that make you?" She questions.

Jasper and Alice glance at one another. "Only time will tell," he tells her.

Together the two turn to leave Andy. Right before they're out of Alice turns back to wink at Andy.

Sitting on the ground, Andy is too busy wondering what the wink meant to realize that for once she was completely calm; especially around two strangers.


Finally getting to biology, her last class of the day, Andy gets to see Bella. Hoping to catch her sister before class, she gets there early.

She couldn't shake the feeling that her sister was upset with her for just running out.

Handing her slip to the teacher to get signed, Andy looks over the layout of the classroom and internally groans because she'll have to sit next to someone at a table.

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