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The mirror was never kind to Andy. She often saw a scared little girl in her reflection. A broken girl who hid behind her camera and her sister.

Andy hated mornings, not because she wasn't a morning person, but because of the medication she needed to take. Meds for her anxiety. Because at one point in her life, people thought she was crazy. Everyone but Bella.

Bella always understood Andy because she actually listened to what she was saying. She never tried to view her from a psychological perspective, instead Bella viewed her as she actually was. Her little sister that had a bad experience with life. Some people say that she's being dramatic, or that she's faking it all. Bella understands and that's why Andy would do anything for her.

Andy knew that sometimes her mind played tricks on her. That what she saw in the mirror wasn't always real. She also knew that she wasn't a good judge when it came to herself. Andy often wanted to run from her own mind.

Looking at herself one more time, Andy makes sure to avoid her face and focuses solely on her outfit. A nice black chemise, with a black skirt and over the knee socks: black. Andy could tell that she was in a mood, what that mood was exactly? She had no idea.

Making her way downstairs. She took her time, getting to the kitchen. She knew that if Charlie was still home then she would be stuck in some sort of awkward conversation.

Andy loved her father, she really did. It was Andy's fault that she didn't have many friendships, or many overall relationships. It took her a while before she was able to trust someone, so it was her fault when people stopped trying to get her to open up.

Coming into the kitchen, she sees Bella rummaging around the fridge. Pulling out everything she knows will be needed.

Without looking up Bella says, "I set up a place on the counter for your meds. And I just made your lunch."

"You didn't have to Bells," Andy replies with a sigh.

"I wanted to. Plus I know what your diet consist of, the school doesn't." Bella simply says.

"Thank you then. Do you need any help?"

"No just eat. Hurry. I'm going to finish up here, then grab my stuff. We're leaving in 15."

Andy looks at the food that Bella took out for her: yoghurt, cut fruits, and a fried egg sandwich. Realizing that she's going to need to start waking up earlier, she eats as quickly as possible.


Rushing out the door that morning, Andy loved the new truck that Bella would be driving them to school in. Old cars were always a passion for her, she loved any chance she could get to fix up a car or a least get under the hood.

To Bella's dismay, Andy stop to take a picture of the old thing to add to her collection.


"- I know. I'm coming," she cuts off Bella, rushing into the truck and slamming her door.

"Let's go Bells!"

"Don't slam the door!" Bella tells her, " and put your seatbelt on."

Andy mumbles a "yes mom."

Receiving a look from her sister, she does as told and listens to Bella continue her mothering.

"You took your meds? And you have your lunch, right? You'll call me if you need me?"

"Yes to all. You don't need to worry so much, I brought my camera so i should be fine."

The older sister simply sighs and nods her head as she pulls into the schools parking lot.

Corrupted Lungs | Quil Ateara [1]Where stories live. Discover now