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"Tell me why we're doing this exactly?" Andy asked.

It was the beginning of June and she had just got out the hospital. Alice thought it would be a great idea to throw her a mini birthday party.

"Well, you were basically dead on your birthday. Absolutely no fun!" Alice ranted. "So I'm throwing you a party."

Andy pretended to understand her friend. Alice had barely left her side since she woke up, scared she was going to hurt herself again.

Quil was nearly the same way. He always wanted to be in contact with the girl, whether it be text or late night phone calls, he wasn't all that picky.

"But I have homework to do," Andy whined. "Did you not see me have homework? School is important!"

Alice gave Andy a knowing smile. "No, I saw something better."

Andy glared at the vampire and pulled on a sweater. She didn't really need one anymore, but it made her feel better. Her skin was still littered with bruises and the teeth shaped scars would forever remain, even if you couldn't currently see them.

Andy huffed in annoyance as she tried to shove her cast through the sleeve of the sweater until Alice had to assist her.

"I could have done it," she murmurs. The vampire sent her a cheeky grin.

"I know," Alice replies. "Come on, Jasper's waiting."

Andy's mood visibly lifted at the mention of the boy. Since the incident, they had become increasingly closer. Andy felt like she connected with him even better now. She had grown distant from other people all together, all the process she had made was nonexistent. She felt vulnerable constantly, something she knew Jasper felt on occasion.

Fiddling with her bracelet, she allowed herself a small smile. It had been a gift from Quil for her birthday. It was simple, but she believed he had help with it. He had carved a tiny tree charm an added it to an intricate braided bracelet.

She had been confused at first.

'It's a reminder of the first time you willingly hung out with us,' he had told her.

She would never forget how cute he looked when he blushed. How it crept up his neck all the way to his ears, or the way the blush lingered on his ears for much longer.

Andy was certain her blush wasn't much better. She wasn't sure when it happened but she didn't want to be just friend with him anymore, she wanted to be more.

Alice had teased her for days about the encounter.

"You must really like that bracelet," Alice piped up.

"Oh zip it." Andy sassed back. "Are you taking me to this stupid party or not?"

Mocking the girl, Alice scooped her into her arms and ran to the Cullen home.

Andy sputtered and gasped for air when they stopped. "You could have warned me," she grumbled.

From somewhere in the home she was able to make out Emmett's boisterous laugh and Rosalie's attempts to quiet him.

Gifts were paced around, and Bella and Andy were forced to eat plenty of food. Every now and then Alice would pop up to take photos causing Andy to scold her on her lack of technique.

It was fun and lively and Andy figured it was Alice's attempt to get her to open up again.

"I think she blames herself more than anything." The voice behind her caused Andy to stiffen. She hadn't trusted him in a while and she wasn't sure if she should.

"It's not her fault. She doesn't decide what she sees and when." Andy's reply was curt.

"Andy, I would like to apologize," Edward tells her, his voice ringing with sincerity.

"For what?" She didn't want to humor him.

"For having unacceptable behavior towards you. For insulting you and- and putting your life on the line more than once," his words your calculated, like he was testing each one out before he spoke. "Bella had always put you first and I was afraid of what that outcome would have caused."

Andy felt pain spike her heart. She hate been avoiding that, pushing it aside so she didn't have to think about ow her sister almost died because of her.

"I almost killed her," Andy's voice was thick with emotion.

Edward shook his head. He pulled her in for a somewhat tense hug. "You saved her when no one else couldn't."

Andy let herself cry on Edward before Bella came and Took him from her. They spent the rest of the evening together, with Andy clinging to hr sister's arm.

"I'm glad you decided to go to Forks," Andy whispered to Bella.

"Me, too."




is finished.

Sequel is called Troubled Minds. Follow me or look out for it to be posted.

in the meantime you could take a look at my other twilight fanfics.

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