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The doctors were meant to be the smart one, the ones that help and aided you but Quil refused to believe there diagnosis. They said Andy wouldn't wake up,at least not for a while but he couldn't, wouldn't, believe it.

Ever since she was transferred to Forks, he had tried to visit as often and as much as possible. It was strange at first, not knowing anyone that was there. He would just sit next to her bed and wait for her to open her eyes.

Because he knew she would open her eyes.

She would open her eyes despite being in a coma for a little over two months, and she would open her eyes even if the doctors had ran out of hope. She would be all right, because he wasn't sure if he would be okay if she wasn't.

Seeing her like this made him feel sick, like a part of him was missing.

He didn't care if she was going to have scars, and he didn't care if she no longer wanted to live in Forks anymore. He just wanted her to wake up. As long as she was well and happy, he would be as well.

When Quil woke up that morning, he decided to skip school entirely and head directly into the hospital that day. May 25th, Andy's birthday. He left like today would be different, it had to be different.

The hospital was eerily quiet, still, it made him feel as if everyone were waiting for something to happen.

It didn't take him long to reach Andy's room, but he wasn't prepared for what he say.

Isabella stood outside the room, crumpled into her boyfriends arms. Tears streamed down her face, making Quil stop dead in his track. All the evidence stood in front of him, but he couldn't peace it together. Alice Cullen stood to the side, a broken expression on her face.

"Andy," Quil choked out. Alice looked toward the boy, pain shot through her at the sight of him. This wasn't the future that Alice had seen for them, this wasn't the future she had seen for Andy.

Alice reached forward and squeezed his arm in comfort. "She's stable for now, but they don't think she'll last much longer. You can go in and see her if you would like."

Quil took a shaky breath and went into the room, not sure if he had responded or not.

She looked the same. Nothing was different, nothing changed, she was still Andy. Her chest moved up and down steadily, as if she was merely sleeping and would open her eyes any moment.

"It wasn't meant to end like this," he whispered. "We were supposed to be friends and I was going to finally ask you on a date. We were meant to be the cutest, most obnoxious couple ever."

The heard monitor continued to beep steadily in the background.

He wasn't sure when he had stared crying, but he didn't attempt to push his tears away. Instead he just held her hand like it was a lifeline. He had convinced himself that she was going to be alright, he felt stupid for thinking that he knew better than the trained professionals.

Quil knew that he should be leaving any moment, to give other people a chance to see her but he just kept telling himself just one more minute.

The beeping of the heart monitor was a constant in the background, teasing him. Reminding him of what he could have been.

The twitch of a finger cause Quil to freeze. Looking down at her, he thought he had imagined it. The frenzied beeping of the heart monitor proved he wasn't going crazy.


It was dark, so very dark and Andy felt so entirely lost. She had no idea where she was, or why she was alone.

Corrupted Lungs | Quil Ateara [1]Where stories live. Discover now