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Andy stares intently at Jasper before slowly nodding. He turns and motions for her to follow him.

Grabbing her plate of food, she follows him and the rest of his family into the living room. Taking a seat across from where Jasper stood so she can watch him head on.

"So you have noticed that we're different," Carlisle says.

"Faster, stonger, paler, you never eat, impeccable hearing," she trails off.

"Do you have any theories?" Edward asks. "I know your sister does."

"Yeah, but only because I've been helping her. She doesn't notice things the way I do," she explains.

Thinking of everything she's researched, she tries to sort through everything into categories. She Googled many things, she read many articles, but this couldn't be explained scientifically. This was something science didn't uderstand.

She concidered things from superheroes, to villains. Gamma-radiation, to advanced alien-tech, but this didn't look like something from a comic book.

Andy glances up at Jasper. She takes in his perfect stiff posture, and perfect comeplection. He had not one blemish or freckle. His hair looks professionally done everyday. Its was the same with the rest if the family. Even Carlisle, a doctor, who should be more tired than the rest, didnt have one bit of stubble or hair out of place.

"The only thing that would make sense would be something superhuman. Something supernatural," she thinks out loud.

Scooping in another mouthful, she leans back into her seat. Her mind working at a rapid pace.

Edward tried to listen to her thoughts, trying to guess if she was in the right direction , but it was like she was thinking of everything at once. He turns to his family and shrugs, not liking the way she made his head hurt. Instead he stands and watches as Andy's eyes follow nothing, as if it was her train of thought.

Andy tried to take in almost everything. Adding every single tiny detail to her analysis. Her eyes landed on Edward, seeing his narrowed eyes she abruptly stands and makes her way over. With her fork still in her hand, she gets close to notice the details on his face.

She shifts slightly, pushing the fork into his arm before he could react. However, the fork didn't go into his arm. Laughing slightly in triumph, she backs away doing a little dance.

Nodding her head to herself, she makes her way toward a lamp in the corner.

Grabbing the lamp she pulls it as close as she could to the middle of the room.

"I have a couple of ideas running through my head," she said, gestruing to her head as she spoke. "It's a good thing no one is as perceptive as I am, or you would all be screwed."

Pointing towards Jasper, she motions for him to come closer. Audibly sighing because he wasn't moving fast enough. Grabbing his arm, she pulls him next to her and shoves up his sleeve.

Andy takes off the lamp shade and holds Jasper's arm in the light, seeing a bunch of bite marks, and sparkles? She moves the lamp away and looks at his arm, seeing no marks visible.

Dropping the lamp, she sits back down in her seat and finishes her food. The Cullen's stand watching her eith curiosity, unsure of what she's doing.

"That was too easy," she said after finishing her food. "Way too easy."

Lazily gazing at all of them, she straightens herself out. Looking directly at Carlisle, she says "I'm guessing you want to explain, or something?"

Corrupted Lungs | Quil Ateara [1]Where stories live. Discover now