Vingt et un

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Andy was in and out of consciousness up until they got to the hotel. It wasn't anything overly fancy, just enough for the Swan girls to feel comfortable.

Jerking awake, Andy sat up o the bed and looked around in confusion. She had not idea where she was, or where anyone else was for that matter. The sound of her ringtone made her stumble out of the bed to search though her things.

Unsure of what to do, the girl stared at her phone for a few moments letting it ring. She wanted to speak with him but she had no idea what she was allowed to say. The situation was stressing her out, anxiety welling in her chest as she fought off tears.

Andy waited until it stopped ringing to check her notifications. She had multiple missed calls, voicemail's and text from the boy. Some from her father and the other people she knew.

It was situations like this that made Andy wish she had a normal life. That she could live like any teen girl and have a normal mother to speak with, or a sister with past relationships who could give her advice. She was utterly lost when it came to this.

Opening her contacts, she scrolled until she found his name. A picture of him showed up, it was the time he was making all kinds of faces to make her laugh. Preparing herself for what she was about to do, she pressed the call button.

It wasn't long before he answered, leaving her no chance to back out. The background was loud, like multiple people were trying to speak at once, all trying to reach the sisters.

"Andy?" he called over the others. "What's going on? You dad called Billy saying that you and your sister just up and left."

"Yeah, we're back in Phoenix." Andy bit her thumb nervously. She didn't want to have to explain to him, he wouldn't understand. No one ever understood the kind of loyalty she had to her sister.

"Why?" he breathed.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Just tell me why you left! Just explain something, anything to me!" He nearly shouts at her. The background noise becoming silent.

"It's not that simple, Quil," Andy whispered. A small pain started filling her chest, it was strong and it was awful. She had felt it many times before, but never had it been her own emotions.

"Drea, please."

Andy froze at the nickname. She had been called Drea a few times before but never had it felt so intimate, so filled with emotions.

"Bella hated Forks," she rushed out. Stammering on a few words. "She never wanted to go in the first and she was starting to feel trapped."

Quil sighed on the other end of the line and made some kind of grumbling noise. "Why did you go?"

"Because Bella was leaving." Her response immediate.

"But why would that matter?"

"I go where Bella goes." Andy's response was quiet, almost timid. This was usually the part she hated, the part where no one understood.

"That doesn't make any sense. Didn't you like it here?" Quil stressed, she could hear the hurt in his voice as he spoke. It was as if Andy had betrayed him.

"Just think of it my way for a second. Bella basically raised me, she was always the guiding hand when I felt like I was falling off some invisible edge." Andy let out a shaky sigh. "In Forks I was able to to be more myself but I will always follow Bella. I can't imagine a world without her."

"What about m- us?" His voice was quiet, hesitant.

"I'll miss you , all of you." Andy closed her eyes tightly, before continuing. "But I don't know if I'll be coming back."

Corrupted Lungs | Quil Ateara [1]Where stories live. Discover now