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Andy was never a sports person but watching the Cullen's play, she realized that vampire baseball was her favourite sport.

It didn't matter how many times she watched them use their enhanced abilities, it would never fail to amaze her. There was something about it that just made her supee excited.

At Esme's orders, her and Bella were calling the game. Scores, safe or outs, that kind of thing.

Standing close behind Esme, she could barely contain her gleeful laugh as Rosalie went whipping past her.

Staring at the ball in awe, she watched it soar into the trees, Edward racing behind it.

"That must be a home run," Bella said.

"Edward's very fast," Esme tells her.

"This is amazing," Andy breathes out in wonder. Causing both Bella and Esme to look at her in adoration.

The three were called back to the game by Esme turning to catch the ball and quickly touching the base.

"You're out," Bella states awkwardly, receiving a glare from Rosalie.

Chasing after Rose, Andy throws herself at the older girl.

"That was amazing," she says, bugging her as tight as she could.

Rosalie smiles down at the girl and holds her in a hug.

"If you don't hurry, you'll miss Jasper's turn."

A look of realization on her face, Andy scrambles out of her arms and rushes back to the home base. Reaching Jasper just in time.

"If you don't get a home run, I will have Emmett beat you up," she attempts to threaten him.

From across the field, Emmett barks out a laugh and points towards her in recognition. Making Andy laugh in turn.

Andy should have known that all goods things must come to an end.

Everyone was having fun, even Rosalie had the smallest smile.

Everything changed drastically when Alice called stop, not waiting a moment before rushing to Andy's side and holding her close.

Edward moved swiftly to Bella, whispering things. Occasionally glancing back towards where Andy was.

"What is it?" Carlisle asked Alice.

"They were leaving town until they heard us," Alice said shakily.

Jasper moved closer to the pair.

Edward grabbed Bella's arm and pulled her towards Emmett's jeep.

"That won't work," Alice tells him. Shaking her head soflty, holding Andy tighter.

Andy had no idea what was happening but she was clever enough to put start putting it all together.

"How many?" Carlisle asked.


"Go back to playing, act as if nothing is wrong," Carlisle advises.

Staying still, Alice motions for Jasper to go and play. Knowing Andy was going to want to talk to her.

"What is it?" Andy whispers.

"More of my kind," she asnwers.

"Are they red eyes like from my dream?"


Andy stayed silent to ponder the answer. She had a feeling that something was different about her dream.

"What did you see exactly?"

Slumping slightly, she moves closer to whisper in Andy's ear. She knew that the others would hear but she wanted to at least try to keep it secret.

"Death, right now hes coming after you and Bella. It might change, it depends on how everyone reacts," she tells her. "Either you or your sister could die."

Andy shook her head, trying to think of something that could help.

"I don't have a scent right?"

"What?" Alice looked at her incredulously.

"Back during the car accident, I was bleeding a whole lot. It didn't bother any of you," Andy reasons. "If I did have a scent it would have bothered Jasper by now."

Alice shook her head, trying to find some way to contradict thr statement but it made perfect sense.

Stiling, Alice had another vision. This going to fast for Edward to catch.

"We'll discuss this later. Realize that this hasn't been proven yet. Don't make any stupid decisions," Alice warns her.

Andy simply nodded her head. Breathing in sharply when an uncomfortable feeling grows in her chest.

"They're here," she whispers.

As if waiting for their cue, three people enter the clearing in sync. Causing the Cullen's to stand together, shielding Andy and bella to the best of their abilities.

Moving herself so that she wasn't close to anyone in particular, Andy did what she was best at. Blending into the background, becoming easily looked over, and observing.

The red eye vampires were attractive, as expected. In the middle stood what appeared to be the leader, with dark skin and dreads. He had a slight accent, came off as friendly.

On the right was a woman with fiery red hair. She looked innocent, a small smirk on her face with wide eyes. Andy had a feeling that she shouldn't be easily looked over. She was smart and dangerous.

Lastly stood a blond man to the left. He stood comfortably, as if he didn't care about what was going on. Andy could see the stiffness of his posture, she recognized that calculating look in his eyes.

She had a feeling that he was the real leader.

Tuning into the conversation, she was able to catch was seems to be the end.

"A few of us were actually leaving," Carlisle said. "Edward."

Edward watched the blond man carefully before turning and pulling Bella away.

As if luck was agaisnt them, the wind blew through Andy and Bella's hair.

All the vampires present became rigid, seonds later moving into a defensive crouch.

The red eyes had their eyes trained on Bella, not one of them seeming to notice Andy.

Stepping forward, Andy slipped her hand into Bella's and pushed slightly behind her defensively.

"You brought a snack," the man said.

"She's with us," Carlisle warned.

"I think it's time for us to leave," the fake leader said. Standing straight and moving next to the woman. "James."

With a final snarl, James straightened up and wrapped his arm around the woman. The three speeding away.

The sencond they were gone, Bella was pulled away from her by Edward and towards the jeep. Andy was instantly wrapped in the arms of Alice.

"I told you not to do anything stupid."

"Alice this isn't the time," Jasper tells her. "Hurry you two, before Edward gets Bella to another country."

Nodding, Andy followed Alice and Jasper to the jeeep. The entire time she couldnt help but wonder how Edward had managed to forget her.






HEY so i have an Emmett Cullen fic called Carvings of Gods, check it out, comment, give me pointers. Aleida is very different from Andy.

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