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"I love weekends!" Andy yells early Saturday morning.

Running into Bella's room, Andy jumps on her sister bed.

"Andrea! What the hell are you doing?" Bella groans while covering her head with her pillow.

"Isabella, it is a new day! And the sun is actually shinning! Dad isn't home so lets use the day to our advantage and get stuff done!"

"How long have you been awake?" Bella asked, looking at the bags under her sisters eyes. "How much did you sleep?"

"Long enough to take my pills and put on coffee," she says, laughing at her sisters attitude. "And I barely slept at all last night. Its weird. My head hurt most of the night, but now it feels like I didn't even get hurt."

"Well, keep the bandage on, like you're supposed to."

Bella moves out of her room and down to the kitchen with Andy trailing behind her muttering to herself in annoyance.

"What was that?" Bella questions.

Andy gives her sister an innocent smile. "Nothing."

After an intense staring contest and an argument over who would make breakfast, Bella finds herself seated at the table giving instructions as Andy bounces around the kitchen.

"I know what I'm doing Bella, relax!" the younver sister says in exasperation. "It is extremly easy to make muffins. Muffins are my thing."

"Muffins are only your thing because of how much you love them."

"Muffins are the best food ever. There are so many different flavors!"

"Ok, ok, calm down. We get it!" bella chuckles. "Do you think we should clean up around the house a little?"

Heaving a sigh, "fine, but only if we can make tacos."

Bella's face breaks into a grin. "Deal," she said.


Hours later, Andy was lying on the kitchen table, deep in thought as Bella made food.

Andy knew that her mind was a dangerous place. She often thought herself into a panic, or anxiety attacks. Sometimes she just couldn't help it. She did try hard to stay off of the topics that she knew were a no go.

The topic of the Cullen's seemed safe to her. How odd they all were. Andy could see how people were intrigued yet wary of them. She also could see how great Alice and Jasper were and she didn't want to think negatively of them. They were quickly become great friends to her.

Alice was like wonderland. All happy and strange. She made Andy feel happy just by being around her.

Jasper was stone. He was calm and witty. He was one of the few people that she could talk to that would have a comeback to her comebacks. He distracted her, made her feel like she had a control over her emotions.

Thinking about Bella's situation with Edward, Andy went over what she knew about the family. Fast, pale, eyes that change color. How did he stop the van? Well he had to be very fast in order to get there, but how did he stop it.

"How did he stop the van?" she wonders aloud.

"What?" Bella questions.

"You said he stopped the van. How? What did he do?"

"He, um, he pushed it away, with his hand," shr stutters.

"He pushed it. So he's incredibly strong," Andy said sitting up. "A van that size wouldn't be easily moved. A van that size and at that speed, you would have to be inhumanely strong."

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