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The remainder of the drive back to the Swan home was spent in complete silence. Bella simply needed the time to think, where as Andy the the vampires stayed quiet because of what Andy said.

She didn't regret what she said. it was the truth and she knew it. She might have been willing to die for her sister, but that didn't mean she wanted to die. Edward hardly eve noticed her presence on a regular basis. He would only ever go out of his way to save her was if Bella requested it.

Staring blankly out the window, Andy heaved a sigh when her house came into view. She didn't want to do this to Charlie. He was her father, even if she had barely seen him growing up, he didn't deserve this.

Edward parked a little bit away from the house to keep the jeep out of sight. Turning towards Bella, he ushered her out of the car, quickly following after her.

"Don't screw up," he turns back to whisper to her. leaving in a flash before she could even think of answering him.

Andy sat in her seat silently fuming. Struggling with her seat belt, she let's out a frustrated yell because she can't get it out.

Alice gently pries her hands away so Emmett was able to unbuckle her. Both wearing a sad expression.

"I'm gonna kill him," Andy promises. "I'm gonna find a way, then I'm gonna kill him."

"Andy, you need to calm down. This isn't you." Alice tried to soothe the fuming girl but nothing seemed to be helping.

"Calm down? He treats me like some child, Alice. He acts like he is above everyone and I'm some lowly dog that needs to be put in her place."

"We can deal with this later, sweetie." Alice grabs her hands and gently leads her out the car. Sending a nod to Emmett. "We can tell Jasper later and have him deal with Edward."

Andy nods along to what Alice is saying. She knew of Jasper's past. It was something he shared with her early on. She didn't doubt for a second that he would take on Edward if Alice and Andy asked it of him.

Letting go of Alice's hands, she tells her that she'll see her in a second before jogging to the house.

Walking into her home, Andy was slightly surprised to see all the lights still on. Moving soundlessly, Andy made her way up the stairs, nearly running into her father.

Plastering a look of confusion on her face, she proceeded to act to the best of her abilities.

"What's going on? Bells?" she called, letting her voice waver slightly.

The door to Bella's room opened quickly, her sister poked her head out and gave her a stern look. "I'm leaving, Andy. If you're coming, pack a bag quick."

"Okay, I'll be fast Bells." Andy made a beeline for her room. She didn't want or need to question Bella, that was all just an act for their dad. She didn't need Charlie questioning her either, she didn't have have the time or the will to see him heartbroken over her.

Locking the door behind her, she grabbed a nearby bag and started packing her essentials. Glancing behind her, she saw Alice zipping back and forth placing articles of clothing into the bag. She didn't need to worry about clothes because Alice knew where everything was. She probably already saw herself packing everything.

Charlie was banging on her door.

"Andy, you can't go. You're only fifteen." His voice sounded frightened.

"I turn sixteen next month!" she calls through the door. "Plus I'm smart! I already skipped ahead a year in school!"

Alice turns to her with wide eyes. "You skipped a year?" she mouthed to her.

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