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Everyone dealt with their bad days differently, some people sleep, some drink, others knit.

Andy, however, doesn't even attempt to deal with her bad days because her bad days were typically regular days. It never stopped her from doing what she planned.

That's how she ended up outside Jacob Black's house at 4.

Awkwardly knocking on the door, she waited for someone to let her in. Not at all surprised to see her father's best friend Billy Black answer.

"Andy, what a lovely surprise," the elderly man beams. "Come in, the boys should be here any minute."

"Alright, thanks Billy."

Standing in the entrance, shifting from foot to foot, Andy tried to get control ober the pressure that was building inside of her. She knew that an attack was gonna come on soon, she was due to have one anyways with all the things happening in her life.

Andy just hoped that maybe the Quileute boys could work as a constant to keep her grounded. She needed normal friends.

Turning on her camera, she flicked through the photos that she had. Deleting the ones that she didn't deem worthy.

It wasn't long before she heard the loud voices of the boys. Peering out the closest window, she can see them nearing the house, laughing and joking without a care in the world.

Embry was thw first to enter, heading straight for the couch.

Next was Jacob who made directly for the kitchen, dropping his bag and kicking off his shoes on the way there.

Last was none other than Quil. Andy couldn't help it when her cheeks started to turn red in color, her blush showing clearly on her pale skin.

Quil froze at the sight of the girl. Her fingers unknowingly fiddling with her camera, her falling slightly in front of her eye. He would always find her beautiful.

"Hey," Quil welcomes.

"Quil, hey," she said softly.

"I wasn't sure if you were actually going to come."

"I told you I would. I wouldn't lie to you."

Smiling, Quil gently takes her hand, dragging her to the couch.

"How did you get here?" he asked.

"Bella drove me after school," she told him. "She wluld have stayed, but she was supposed to meet her boyfriend."

Andy heared something drop, followed by heavy footsteps. Jacob came sliding in, food still in his hands.

"Boyfriend?" he breathes.

"Yeah, Edward Cullen."

Grumbling to himself, be returns to the kitchen. A sour look on his face.

"Is he okay?" Andy whispered to Quil.

"He'll be fine. He has a thing for your sister." Quil tries to reassure her.

Andy frowns at the knowledge. She shouldn't have said anything. She should have just said that she dropped her off and left it at that.

"I'm sorry, I'm- I shouldn't have said anything," she stuttered.

"It's fine Andy, really," Quil tells her, drapping an arm over her shoulder. "He's just being dramatic."

"It's his fault for taking too long anyways," Embry adds.

Sighing, she gives the boys a small nod. Blushing over the placement of Quil's arm.

Corrupted Lungs | Quil Ateara [1]Where stories live. Discover now