Chapter 1- The New Guys

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//You are in the Mafia with the members of Sky media. Red and Max join, and start fighting for your affections. Crime boss Adam sends you on multiple difficult missions with they guys that puts relationships to the test.

"(Y/n), Crime boss Adam wants to see you." Ross said, patting your shoulder in a sympathetic manner. You sighed nervously but nodded to Ross. Muttering a small thanks, you headed toward your mafia boss' office. Once there, you knocked firmly on the door.

"Come in." He responded. Once inside, you noticed two men seated in front of Adam's desk. You walked around them when Adam motioned you to come over. You stood by his side, and folded your hands behind your back.

"This is (Y/n). My right hand, she will take you around the house and introduce you to the rest of the family. (Y/n), this is brother Max, and brother Red. Newest members of our family. Treat them with respect." He told you. You nodded respectfully, and waited for him to dismiss you three.

Once outside of the office, you shook hands with them and smiled. You started leading them through the mansion, showing the two handsome men, doors and pointing out which room was what. At last, on the third floor you came to the bedrooms of everyone.

You knocked on the first one and Barney opened the door. He had a gun in his hand pointed at the floor. He grinned when he saw the three of you standing in the door way. He had scruffy facial hair, though little on the top of his head and a scar running from the bottom of his eye to his cheek. Overall, he looked pretty frightening. Though you were used to him.

"Hi Barney, this is Max and Red. They're new members. Adam asked me to show them around." You said. You moved to the side so Barney could shake hands with the two guys.

"Nice to meets yous. Welcomes to the family." Barney chided.

You took them next to Ross's room. You weren't sure if he was there though, since he likes to hang out in the living room. You knocked, but didn't get a response so you went to the next room. You reached your door and stopped in front.

"This room is mine, feel free to knock if you need anything." You said, the guys nodded. You kept walking down the hall and reached a set of mahogany double doors.

"This is where Boss Adam, his wife and boy stay." You told them, then knocked on the door.

Alesa opened the door a moment later. She smiled at you then looked over to the boys who stood next to you.

"Hi Alesa, this is Max and Red. Our two new members." You said. The boys said hello and bowed their heads respectively. Max remembered something and spoke up before you could move on.

"Can we meet your child?" He asked. He glanced toward you, expecting a dirty look. When he got none, he looked back toward Alesa. She smiled and nodded, returning in a moment with her little boy on her hip. The boys grinned at the adorable baby that appeared.

"This is Mason." Max and Red cooed over his tiny hands and fingers. They cooed over his cute eyes and everything. Alesa laughed at how the two grown men acted towards Mason. You chuckled too, finding it so cute how they melted over the baby. You wondered which one would make a better father.

Shaking the thoughts from your head, you led them to the next door. You stepped inside, motioning for the boys to follow.

"This is your room, Max." You said. You looked around the dark blue walls and observed the paintings you made hanging on the walls.

Next, you showed Red to his room. Max stayed in his room while you opened the next door.

"Wow, this is a nice pad." Red smirked. You went over and opened the closet, pulling out a few guns out of the closet.

"These will be your guns, Max has some too. These are sub machine guns and tommy guns. I'll be teaching you how to use these, and Ross will be teaching Max." You explained. He smiled and nodded.

You put the guns back and went over to get Max. You took them downstairs to the living room. Ross was sitting there on the couch watching some anime on television with Tim also sitting nearby.

You walked in and sat down between Tim and Ross while the other guys found other seats.

"What are you guys watching?" You asked, resting your arms behind your head.

"We're watching One punch man. " Tim replied. You nodded, stretching your legs out. You waited until the episode ended, the sat upright.

"Well guys, we have two new members. Ross, Tim, this is Max and Red." You said. They nodded and welcomed them. Max and Ross started discussing different anime types and Tim rested his hand on your knee. You quickly smacked his hand, causing him to recoil.

"Ouch, the hell was that for??" He whined, cradling his red hand against his chest.

"For making advancements I never approved of. We haven't had any news in days, why are you even here?" You huffed. He crossed his arms indignantly.

"Maybe I wanted to hang out with my pal Ross, is that a crime?" He smirked.

You rolled your eyes and got up to get some food. Walking to the kitchen, you pulled out some juice and a cup. As you were pouring, Red walked into the kitchen. You could tell it was him because you memorized the sound of his footsteps. (Your best attribute is your memory)

"Hey, you're hungry too?" Red asked. You turned and took a sip of your juice.

"Yeah, you want anything particular?" You questioned. He thought for a moment.

"We should make some pancakes." Red grinned.


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