[30] Tim's Ending

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((Due to popular demand, and also because I wanted to, here's Tim's ending. He's such a goofball. If you have a request for anything please let me know either via message or comment. Love you all! Enjoy the final chapter!))

"Sorry guys, I like Tim better." You shrugged. They shared a confused look with each other, then Red spoke.

"We thought you hated him." You laughed.

"Yeah, he can be annoying but I think he's charming." You replied. They shrugged and said they'd go find him. Soon Tim walked in and started laughing. He walked over and sat down next to you.

"That's funny...Max said you wanted me instead of them." He mused.

You rolled your eyes and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him toward you and you kissed him forcefully on the lips. His hands tentatively went to your hips, afraid you wouldn't agree with it. Finally you pulled back to look at his bewildered expression. It was so cute how shocked he looked. He was obviously used to you rejecting him anytime he made an advancement. But this was new.

"Uh, oh...he was...right?" He muttered. You nodded, then he leaned in to kiss you again.

You sat in the kitchen for a little while longer, kissing him. Then decided it would be best to go somewhere else or take things a bit slower.

"Tim." You waved a hand in front of his face in an attempt to snap him out of it.

"Huh? What now?" He snapped out of his trance and smiled at you. You laughed at him.

"You wanna go...do something?" You shrugged.

"Uh...yeah. Like what?" He stuttered, his face quite pink.

"Like a video game or something?" You suggested.

"Yeah, of course! Let's go." He cleared his throat and took your hand. You both went downstairs to the game room. You played some pinball machines and then walked over to the pool table.

"Hey, up for some pool?" You asked.

"Hmm, only if there's a wager on it." He smirked.

"Alright. Who ever loses has to buy ice cream later." You matched his smirk. You shook on it and set up the balls. You each grabbed a cue and chalked it. After fooling around a bit he broke first. He pocketed a stripe so you were solids. It had been a long time since you played pool, but it was like riding a bike. It didn't take long to remember how.

Suddenly it was your turn and you bent over to take the shot when you felt a hand on your hip. You straightened up quickly and looked behind you. Tim's chest pressed into your back. He moved his hands to your arms and you could feel his breath against the back of your neck, it made your cheeks heat up.

"Your arms weren't straight, I thought I'd help you..um...fix your stance." He explained.

"Thanks." Your voice was barely above a whisper. No one made you feel so nervous but safe at the same time. He continued to guide your arms back into place, then you took the shot. You hit the 8 ball in, winning the game. Tim backed up, giving you room to move. You turned around and grinned victoriously.

"I guess your paying for ice cream." You laughed. He pouted, but nodded.

"Yeah. What do you want for dinner?" He asked. You both put away everything then walked upstairs.

"Hm, I'm feeling Pizza." You replied.

"Pizza it is." Tim agreed.

Soon you both arrived at Pizza Hut. He held the door open for you like a gentleman, then paid for the dinner. You each got a small sized pizza, yours had your favorite toping on it and Tim's had bacon and extra cheese. You took a slice of his and he took one of yours to try out. After eating, you both walked down to the ice cream shop which wasn't far.

You ordered 2 scoops of your favorite flavor and Tim ordered 2 scoops of Double chocolate fudge. You sat on the bench outside, watching cars and other people moving by. You both talked about random things for a while, then he suddenly leaned over and licked your ice cream.

"Hey, you have your own." You pouted like a child, causing him to laugh.

"I just wanted a taste!" He whined.

Once the ice cream and cones were both gone, you stood and took Tim's hand as you walked back to the car. You had the radio blasting all the way home. The sun just set as you pulled into the driveway. Inside, Tim took you to his room. He said he had a present for you.

"(Y/n), I've been waiting to give this to someone who loves Minecraft as much as I do. So I want you to have this..." He handed you a cardboard box. You opened it and found this:

"Oh my god, it's a creeper hoodie!" You laughed

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"Oh my god, it's a creeper hoodie!" You laughed. You stood up and kissed him quickly. "Thanks Tim-Tim." You smiled. You threw the hoodie on and walked out the back door with him. You ventured out into the garden in search of a particular bench. It was a great night for stargazing. Sitting on the bench, you cuddled up next to Tim and watched the black sky dotted with brightly shining stars.

"Thank you (Y/n)." You looked up at his shiny eyes and knit your eyebrows together.

"For what?" You asked.

"Just everything. Giving me a chance even though I seemed like a creeper. For spending the day with me. Oh and for giving me a pretty face to look at everyday." He grinned. You kissed his cheek.

"You're a funny guy with a cute face, how can you not love that? Even your foul mouth is sorta charming, at least a little." You giggled, snuggling even closer to him. It was a perfect night with a perfect guy. How could things get any better.

                                                                The  End

((Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting for my story. It means a lot! If you aren't following me, please do because then you'll know when my next story comes out. It'll be a RedVacktor X Reader. Thank you! Have a good year/month/life.))

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