Chapter 19- Boxer Shorts

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((This features Max, then two more YouTubers. Lol, I just love making every Youtuber hate you for some reason. This chapter brought to you by sleepy Max. Next chapter I'm so looking forward to writing! HYPE! Enjoy.))

You woke up pretty early, like at about 7am. It was weird, but since you got up to use the bathroom, you couldn't get back to sleep. The bright morning sun was bleeding through your curtains so instead of getting back into bed, you decided to go downstairs.

You sat on the couch for a while just playing some games on your phone. Then you decided to check Instagram. Your notifications were swamped with people who liked and commented on the picture from yesterday. You saw lots of "So Kawaii!!" And "Meow 🙀" You browsed a few more comments, smiling at the fan girls' responses.

You heard soft footsteps and checked the time on your phone. 8am. Someone must've woke up and was coming down for food. You remained silent as a half naked Max strode into the room. You blushed, trying not to look at his red boxers. He walked past you on the couch, and plugged his phone into the wall. Completely still oblivious to your presence, he left the room and went toward the kitchen.

Your face was bright red and you had to keep a hand over your mouth to stay quiet. You sat for a minute, unsure of what to do. Should you go get some breakfast? Should you run to your room and pretend you were sleeping all along? Or maybe--

Your over active brain was silenced when your stomach growled. Breakfast it was. Maybe you also just wanted another peek of his chest...and abs...and legs...

Shaking your head, you got up and walked into the kitchen. You spared him a glance and said good morning. He mumbled the words back as he sat at the kitchen island, sipping a glass of orange juice. You grabbed a glass of juice also and leaned on the counter. You just stared at Max's adorable, yet tired, face. After a couple minutes just sipping your juice, he finally noticed your stare.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Nice boxers." Is all you said. It took a second for it to dawn on him, then his eyes widened. He left the juice behind and ran for the stairs, muttering "shit shit shit" under his breath the whole way.

You giggled at his antics, and made some poptarts and/or cereal. You sat down at the table and began eating. You looked over when Max walked back in, wearing clothes this time. You were partly disappointed, but didn't show it. You smirked slightly at his red, blushing face.

"Sorry...I didn't think anyone was up yet." He mumbled, making himself some cereal.

"It's alright." You shrugged, trying to keep the grin off your face.

"Do you wanna go for a walk after breakfast?" He asked. You nodded in agreement, and finished eating. You went upstairs to change into some comfy yoga pants and a nice top then met Max by the front door.

It was a nice day, very sunny and slightly breezy. You began walking and talking, mostly about your mafia group and that gem Nick wanted. He said he hoped Nick got that stupid gem so he could leave your group alone.

You two were so caught up in a conversation, you didn't realize you had walked into a sketchy neighborhood. You weren't too worried about your safety though, since you were in broad daylight.

Just as that thought left your mind, a dark figure jumped out from a nearby alley. He pulled out a gun and held it against your temple. You froze in place, and another jumped out to aim a gun at Max. You both shared a worried glance.

"Long time no see, (Y/n)." The first man sneered.

"I'm sorry, and you are?"  You questioned, staring at his mask. He huffed and pulled his mask off to reveal his face. You couldn't believe was Rhett from Good Mythical Morning.

"Rhett?" You spoke, wondering why he was there holding a gun to your head.

"And Link." The second guy spoke, pulling his mask off too.

"What are you doing here?" You asked. Rhett glared at you in hate.

"I told you I'd get revenge. You really shouldn't have killed him. Maybe you wouldn't be in this situation right now." He growled. You shut your eyes tight and sighed.

"Uh, who'd you kill?" Max whispered. Rhett heard him and stomps his foot.

"My son. My son died because she didn't protect him." He huffed.

"It was an accident, Rhett. I tried to stop the bomb...but I was too late." You said sadly, watching an ant crawl across the sidewalk.

"Either way...he's DEAD because of you!" Rhett shouted. "Now I'm going to kill you while your pathetic boyfriend watches." He pulled back the safety, and you shut your eyes waiting for the shot to ring out....


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