Chapter 8- Gun Slinger

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((Sorry for the lack of chapters recently. I've had a lot of things on my mind, and the negative comment I got earlier didn't help. One little hater won't put me down though. I know I have loyal readers and that's all that matters. Enjoy the chapter!!))

You woke up precisely at 6am, and started getting ready for your day. You were excited to train the boys with their guns. You quickly got ready and dashed to the kitchen for breakfast. Sitting at the table was a sleepy looking Red and a very sleepy looking Max.

"Good morning guys!" you cheered. They mumbled something incoherent in response.

You made yourself some cereal and toasted a couple poptarts then joined them at the table.

"Today's the day guys!" you said after a bite of crunchy cereal.

"Yep." came the short response from Max.

You eyed him for a moment, then studied Red. They looked really tired. You sighed and stood up.

You went to the coffee maker and started brewing a cup. Once you had two steaming mugs of joe, you gave one to each of the guys. They drank their caffeine and in a little while they weren't as tired anymore.

Woohoo, the magic of coffee!

When you all finished breakfast, you took the guys out back to where the gun range was. Max carried his handgun and Red carried a rifle. You carried your own gun to use as the example. You picked a target and set yourself up accordingly. You swiftly pulled the trigger three times. Pulling the gun down, you looked at the paper. Three holes were positioned around the middle of the target. You smiled victoriously.

"See guys, it's really simple once you learn more about your gun." You watched Max and Red choose shooting stalls (probably not what they're called, but whatever.) next to yours. Red looked a little unsteady, so you walked closer and fixed his posture. Once his posture was fixed, you fixed his arms and grip on the gun too. You nodded to him, and he shot once. The recoil made him flinch at first, but he recovered quickly. He hit the target a bit above the middle.

You praised him and encouraged him to continue practicing. You turned around to see Max was watching you with Red.

"Do you need some help Max?" You asked. He nodded, his face flushing. You got closer and fixed his stance, then stared at the way he was holding his gun. Surely he knew that was a very wrong way to hold it. Did he just want you to move him like you did Red?

You wrapped your arms around him and used your hands to guide his into the right position on the gun. When you stopped, his grip tightened on the gun. You kept your hands over his and told him to shoot. He shot once, you dropped your hands and gazed at the target.

A hole right above the middle target. You placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped back. You looked at him and he was grinning happily. You stared and for a moment, got lost in his eyes. He moved closer a few inches, and you did too until finally...your lips met his.


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