Chapter 14- Dress Shopping

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Your injuries weren't bad, but Red obviously was having trouble walking. Barney helped you disinfect and wrap gauze around your shoulder. You thanked him and reported to Adam. You walked in and sat down.

"Sir, I found out who runs the restaurant." You declared.

"Who is it?"

"Nick. He wanted to capture and interrogate Max and I." You explained. His face revealed shock at the name of his old friend.

"What? Why would he go after part of my family?" He gaped.

"I don't know. He found out I wired the place, and he came after us. Red and I both got shot, though nowhere serious." You replied.

"Good. (Y/n), I want to send you and two others to spy on Nick at his manor." Adam said. Just then a knock was heard at the door. Adam announced for the knocker to come in. Tim came in and stood next to you.

"We got an invitation." He stated, placing a fancy envelope on the table.

"Did Rascal sniff it?" Adam asked.

"Of course. It's clean." Tim nodded.

Adam took the envelope and opened it. As he read it silently to himself, Tim reached over to touch your bandaged shoulder. Without sparing him a glance, you swatted his hand away. Adam looked up, and Tim straightened his posture.

"Nick just invited us to a party. It's Friday night at 9pm, his manor. It says wear formal Mafia attire." Adam looked at the both of you.

"It could be a trap.." Tim shrugged.

"Or the perfect opportunity for us to get information." You smiled.

"(Y/n) has a point." Adam smiled.

"Great. Friday night. I'm in." You agreed.

Adam assigned you to go to the party with Max and Red. Ross would tag along to be a look out. Everything was set, but you needed a nice dress, and that meant going shopping. You knew just the person to go to.

"Alesa?" You knocked on the door, and soon it opened.

"Hey (Y/n), what's up?" She smiled.

"Well, I need a dress for a party on Friday. Was wondering if you could help me out?" You asked. She nodded excitedly.

"Absolutely. Can you watch Mason while I shower real quick?" You agreed and walked into the master bedroom. You went over to the couch and took a seat. Mason was sitting in the center, and watching a kids show on tv. He noticed you sit down and looked over at you. He grinned at you and reached out a small hand. You took his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you whittle Mason." You smiled and he giggled. You poked his nose and he giggled again. For the rest of the time, you both continued to watch the episode. It was nice spending some time with him. He seemed to enjoy your company also.

Soon, Alesa got out of the bathroom. She got all her things and took Mason down to Adam's office. She told him you were going shopping, and Mason gave you a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye. He was so cute.

You both drove to the mall, jamming out to awesome songs all the way there. In the mall, you both got some lunch then continued to a few fancy dress shops. You found the three dresses pictured above. You showed each one to Alesa, she said she loved them all but you should make a choice.

You eventually decided on the first, second, or third dress. You paid and left the mall. Driving home, you told Alesa about the party and you were going with Max and Red. She asked which one you were looking to impress. You sorta shrugged, unsure of which redhead you preferred. You got home, hung up your dress and rested for the rest of the day. You fell asleep staring at your beautiful dress.


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