Chapter 22- Keeping Secrets

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The day is set. The amount is set also. Everything is set for the precious gem transfer. Adam said you'd be going with Barney and Ross but he stressed that you couldn't tell them anything about where you were going. You were a little sad that he didn't send you with Max or Red, but you knew these guys would have your back.

Adam explained that you had to meet the buyer at the park where you and Red went to have a picnic. You tried asking who the buyer was but Adam wouldn't tell you. You were dying know who it was though, and made it a point to ask when you got to the location.

Quickly you got yourself dressed, armed, and ready for the mission ahead. You went to the front yard to meet Adam, Barney, and Ross. You three were dressed for the weather, lightly but formally, with the light blue color of the group. Adam went over the instructions briefly without mentioning the diamond.

You three hopped into the black mustang and you drove to the park. On the way there, the guys wouldn't stop bugging you about where you were going. You told them the park. They asked to know why they had to stay in the car while you "took care of the business" you explained that's how Adam wanted it.

They were silent after, humming occasionally to the radio. You saw a black Chevy SUV parked in a spot by the park. You swung around and parked a few spaces down from that car. You turned it off and stepped out. Soon, the door opened and a man stepped out. He looked like a secret service guy, dressed very formally and wearing sunglasses.

"Hello, you have the money?" You asked, feeling slightly nervous. He nodded.

"Boss wants to see it." The guy stated. You nodded, pulling the purse off your shoulder and opening it. You pulled out the box Adam gave you earlier and held it. The back door of the SUV opened and out stepped a blonde man with dark sunglasses. He reached a fist out for you as a smile graced his lips.

"Bro fist, come on!" He exclaimed. You smiled and gave him a fist bump. He chuckled then motioned for you to open the box. You opened the box to reveal to him the shiny diamond.

"Yes, beautiful." He grinned, his accent rolling off his tongue. It sounded Swedish. He patted the other man on the shoulder, and he reached into the car to retrieve a briefcase. The man opened the briefcase to reveal what looked like $100,000.

"All the money's there. If your boss has any issues, he has my contact information." Felix smiled. Felix, that's right...also known as PewDiePie.

Suddenly Felixs' face turned serious.

"Well I'm not stupid. I know how to trade things." He began. Then a smile grew across his face. "Give the girl the money." He said. His guy hesitantly gave you the money. You took the briefcase and closed the box with the diamond. You noticed the bodyguard guy had his hand on his hip, almost like he was ready to shoot. You reached out to hand over the box. The guy took it and they retreated into the vehicle, but not before giving you another bro first.

You got in the car and handed the briefcase to Barney. He looked at it and you questioningly. You started the car and pulled away from the park.

"Will you count that for me? Make sure there's $100,000 in there." You said.

Barney and Ross' mouths dropped open when you mentioned the amount.

"That much for whatever was in that small box? And was that PewDiePie?" They asked. You shrugged and turned up the radio to drown out their questions. Barney finished counting the stacks and nodded before closing the briefcase.

"It's all there." He said, still somewhat astonished by all the money.


Soon you pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. Before getting out you told the guys not to tell anyone else about the sale or the money. They agreed so you all got out and went inside. You went right up to Adam's office and knocked. He let you in and you three sat down.

"Is it all here?" He asked. You nodded. He opened the briefcase to see for himself and grinned when he saw all the stacks of cash.

"You guys what to know what I'm going to buy with this money?" Adam smirked. You three nodded excitedly.

"I'm gonna buy a lake house. It'll be a little vacation! Oh and jet skis!" He exclaimed. His eyes were lighting up like a kids' at Christmas. Barney and Ross cheered as you sat, grinning happily.

"Don't tell the others though. I want it to be a surprise." Adam smiled.


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