Chapter 4- Mission Report

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((What am I doing with my life..? How about those names last chapter? I laughed at them, so it's ok if you didn't..🤓 Are you liking this story so far?? Let me know in the comments! ❤️ Thanks for voting!!))

The fight didn't last very long. You noticed Red was actually pretty good at hand to hand combat. Soon, all 8 men were either knocked out cold or possibly in a coma. You took a couple guns, and left the scene with Red in tow. You made it back to the car and surveyed your injuries. You had a busted lip and a bruise on your cheek.

Red had a few cuts on his face, and a couple bruises. But overall, you both were fine. Red saw your lip and grabbed a tissue.

"Here, let me wipe the blood off." He offered, reaching to grab your chin. You blushed as he cleaned off your bottom lip. When he finished, you looked back to the road and started the car. The ride home was silent. When you got home, you walked in and saw Alesa feeding Mason in the kitchen. She saw you both and rushed over.

"Oh my god, what happened??" She asked, looking from you to Red.

"We caught. Jordan wouldn't let us go unless we fought off his men. We made it out, but we got hit a few times.." You muttered. She hugged you, then Red.

"I'm sure those guys look way worse." She grinned, walking back to the kitchen.

You and Red went up to your rooms and cleaned up as best you could, then reported to Adam's office.

"Come in." Adam said after you knocked on his door.

"We got back from the Sparklez mansion.." You announced.

"Must be why I see bruises on your faces." You both nodded.

You both sat down and explained to Adam what happened, beginning with when you first went into the yard. He listened to what you had to say intently, then grinned when you told him of the names you called Captain Sparklez.

You told Adam that you memorized part of the house, so that could potentially benefit your group in the future. Also while fighting the men, you analyzed their fighting style.

Adam was pleased, and decided it would be best not to make a move unless they did first. Adam told you there was a man who owed him money, and he wanted you to take Max.

"Use some intimidation tactics, do not kill him though. But I need that money." Adam insisted. You and Red left the office and went to the living room. You found Max and told him what Adam said.

"Alright, when do we leave?" Max asked.

"About an hour. Sooner the better." You replied. Max seemed happy that you came to him with a job. He was probably bored sitting around the house.

An hour passed, you were standing by the front door waiting for Max. You were dressed up in a nice dress. (Pic above) Max came down stairs wearing a pinstripe suit. He smiled and linked arms with you. You got in the car and started driving into the city. It took about 20 mins for you to reach the city and another 5 mins to find the bar Adam told you about.

When you walked in, the bartender squinted suspiciously at you both but didn't say anything. You walked to the back wall where a door sat. You glanced at Max and he seemed to ask you a question with his eyes. With your eyes, you tried to tell him to wait a second and follow your lead. Supposedly he understood because he nodded.

You counted down in your head...3...2...1...and you kicked the door in. You saw...(a cliffhanger! Hehee)

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