Chapter 11- The Culprit

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((Sorry guys, I didn't update because I got distracted. Lol, that happens a lot. Recently I discovered a great story. I love it even though I don't know much about Undertale. It's a little addictive. Anyways...enjoy!))

The door swung open. You and Tim stumbled back in surprise, watching as Adam and the rest of the guys trudged in. Some had bullet wounds, and some only had a cut or two. You and Tim did your best to help people with bandages and disinfectant. Once his arm was bandaged, Adam came over to you.

"Hey, what happened out there?" He asked. Instead of looking mad, he looked more concerned.

"I'm sorry. Someone slipped the gun into my hand and I just shot on instinct. I didn't want to shoot anyone." You explained.

"We should find out who put it in your hand.." Adam nodded. You agreed and parted ways.

For a while, you didn't do much. You watched TV for about an hour, then went to bed. In the morning you woke up pretty late and made some waffles. Max and Barney were outside taking care of the bodies on the front lawn. When you finished breakfast, you out to join them.

"Hey (y/n), we just took care of the bodies..." Max announced, his nose scrunched up a bit at the end of his sentence.

"Did yous find out who gaves you the gun?" Barney asked, tossing his shovel to the ground.

"No, I haven't figured it out yet. Do you guys remember seeing anyone by me?" You asked. They thought for a minute and Max spoke up.

"Tim was behind you the whole time. You may want to interrogate him." He suggested.

You decided it was the only lead you had, so you walked around the house asking and looking for Tim. You found him downstairs in the game room. He was playing you walked closer, the anger rose in your chest.

"Tim...what the hell were you thinking?!" You hissed. He looked up and shrugged.

"Well, Minecraft is just such an amazing game, I love it so much.." He began.

"Cut the shit. I know what you did. Why'd you give me that gun?!" You growled. He dropped the controller and his eyes widened.

"Uh, I really don't--" you stopped him, not in the mood to hear his excuses.

"Quiet. You knew I was going to shoot, didn't you?" You narrowed your eyes at him. He sighed and hung his head.

"Yeah, I knew you would shoot on instinct. I'm sorry." He admitted.

"Come with me. You're going to tell Adam what you did." You glared.

He turned off the tv and followed you to Adams' office. Adam was quite unpleased with Tim, and confined him to the house for 2 weeks. Which reminded you that your week of confinement was over. You and Tim got dismissed, and you went to the living room. Max and Barney were watching some show and Max smiled when he saw you enter.

"Hey, (Y/n)."

"Hey Max."

"Do you want to go to dinner tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah that'd be nice." You agreed.

"How about 6pm?" He suggested. You agreed, then went to your room to freshen up. He was going to take you to exciting.


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