Chapter 29- Safe and Sound

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((Thanks for supporting this story, I think it'll be ending. A couple more chapters after this one should wrap it up. But I'll make another of course. ))

The air was thick and each person there was tense. Waiting, watching, and finally Adam spoke up.

"No more games. I've got the other diamond, that's what you want?" Felix nodded. "Alright, don't hurt her and I'll bring you the diamond." Adam made a gesture to Max, who was standing next to him. Max pulled a pistol off his hip and held it at his side discretely. His eyes were trained on you and Felix and you could see the anger radiating off of him.

Soon, Adam returned with a small box. It was smaller than the other diamond box.

"At the same time. Hand her over, and you get the jewel." Adam stated. Felix lowered his gun slightly, and Adam stepped forward with the box. Max reached for your hand and you slowly walked toward him. Adam stopped at arms length and glanced at you to make sure you wouldn't be in harms way once he handed over the box.

As soon as Adam's arm stretched out, your hand touched Max's and he pulled you close.  You buried your head in his chest and held onto him. His arms wrapped protectively around you and you couldn't see, but his gun was raised in defense. You didn't move until you heard the van drive off.

It was fine. You were safe now. No more Felix, or car crash, or anything. Just rejoined with your "family" once again. Inside, everyone sat around while you told them the whole story. You learned that after the crash and you were dragged away, the second car stopped and helped everyone else out of the vehicle. Since it was totaled, Barney, Max, Red, and Tim came to and rode back to the house squished into the truck.

When they got back to the house, there weren't many serious injuries. Just some scrapes, cuts, and headaches. After talking a while more, most people filtered out of the room leaving you, Red, Max. The conversation was carried on with little effort, and suddenly an accusation was thrown at Max.

"No no, that's totally a lie!" He rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"Like that one time at that one place...where the lady told me I wouldn't be able to have kids if I drank Mountain Dew. " you both stared at him with very confused expressions...then burst out laughing. Soon, Red started laughing along too. After the chuckles faded, things few quiet. Then a more serious haze settled over you all.

"Hey, surely you have a favorite right?" Red asked.

"A favorite ice cream? Yeah of course, I have a favorite color too..." Red shook his head at your response.

"No I mean, between Max and I. Who do you like more?" He clarified. You paused for a minute, it was a hard question. Or was it? Who did you like more?

"No hard feelings. We will still be your friends no matter who you pick." Max grinned.

Oh came the decision. You looked into the eyes of both guys, thinking carefully about which to go with. Finally you made your decision and took a deep breath, ready to tell them.

((The next chapters will be choice based. I'll do one for Red and one for Max. Maybe one for Tim if you guys ask! ;) Thanks so much for supporting this story! Love you all!))


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