Chapter 7- Mario Karting

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((Thanks so much for your votes and support! If you have any ideas, please comment! I'm open to lots of ideas. Also, sorry for the little hate between you and Max. It should clear up. Enjoy!!))

The sun came in through your window, stirring you from your peaceful slumber. You turned to your side, and sprawled out again. But the sun still reached your eyes, leaving you no choice but to wake up the rest of the way.

Sitting up, you stretched your arms and legs. Jumping out of bed, you put on your slippers and went down stairs. You went to the kitchen where everyone was sitting around the dining table, eating some scrambled eggs and bacon. You bid everyone a good morning, and grabbed a plate to fill.

You sat down next to Red and Alesa, then ate your food. When you finished breakfast, you took a shower then sat in your room brushing your hair. You just finished brushing when you heard a knock on your bedroom door. Red was standing there with a lopsided grin.

"Hey, do you want to play some video games?" Red asked. You smiled and agreed.

Downstairs in the game room, you and Red were trying to decide on what game to play. Eventually you settled on Super Mario Kart. After kicking his butt a few times, you stopped to take a break.

"You just got lucky." Red complained.

"Nah, I'm just that good." You boasted. Max and Barney came into the room soon after your conversations ended.

"Hey guys, can we play?" Max asked bashfully. He looked nervous that you'd reject him.

"Sure." You smiled.

You started a four player game of Mario Kart, and you won 1st a few times. Then Max began dominating the races. Even Rainbow road, which you had little luck with. Finally, Red started a new game and announced that "winner takes all".

Not sure what "all" entails but you kinda wanted to win. Perhaps it was bragging rights? Regardless, you put all your effort into winning that last round. In the beginning you didn't do so well, constantly getting hit with shells, or bombs. Then on the last lap, you picked up more power ups and began passing the guys.

You pulled off an amazing maneuver at the end, passing Barney in front just before passing the finish line. A bright grin grew across your face, and you shot up.

"YES!" You shouted triumphantly.

"No!" The guys groaned.

You sat back down and lounged back. The smile remained on your face, even as the guys turned off the console and left. Red picked up his phone and started playing some game.

Finally, you came back to reality and you looked over at Red.

"Hey, have you been to the shooting range?" You asked him. He glanced up from his phone for a moment.

"Nope." He replied.

"Tomorrow I'll take you and Max to the range. Training with your guns. Meet me up at 6am." You said.

"6am??" Red groaned. You nodded and left to go tell Max your plans for tomorrow.


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