[30] Max's Ending

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((I'm assuming that if you like Max, you know at least a little bit about Gravity Falls. If not you can pretend you do, haha. Also, this one is definitely longer than Red's ending. Sorry! Enjoy!))

"Sorry Red, I like Max more." Red smiled, and got up to leave. Max scooted his chair closer and leaned in to kiss you. The kiss lasted a few seconds but it was so sweet. His hand held onto yours and he stared into your eyes. Then he said three words you were so excited to hear.

"Gravity Falls marathon?"

You grinned and nodded quickly. You both went into the living room, and quickly turned on Netflix. You both cuddled and watched every episode of Gravity Falls. After, he took you up to his room and handed you a box. You opened it and found a Bill Cipher necklace inside.

"Wow, this is awesome

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"Wow, this is awesome. Thanks Max!" You grinned. He chuckled and ruffled your hair. You flinched and smoothed out your hair.

"I have something else for you too..." He mumbled. He went to his closet and pulled out a bag. He handed it to you and you looked inside. It was a pretty, flowy, black dress with  a gold belt. It reminded you of the colors Max wore so often.

You hugged him, repeating 'thank you' over and over

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You hugged him, repeating 'thank you' over and over. He laughed and hugged back.

"You'll wear this to dinner tonight, right?" He asked.

"Of course." You replied.

You glanced at the time and realized it was noon. You hung the dress up in your room, then went to the kitchen to eat lunch with Max. Of course you both made some Mac an Cheese and the meal was not without the occasional "Max an Cheese" joke, much to his dismay. After cleaning up, you both went into the game room to play some weird internet games. Lots of laughs and confused stares later, Max suggested you both get ready for the date.

You went to your room, put on the dress along with your black heels. You styled your hair just right, then applied a bit of makeup. After checking yourself over a few times, you approved and walked out. Once downstairs you saw Shelby walking out of the kitchen, holding a slice of pizza. She saw you and grinned.

"Hey (Y/n), whatcha dressed up for?" She asked.

"Max is taking me on a date tonight." You smiled. Her eyes grew wide.

"Ohh, that's why he looked all dressed up. Well you look great too! Have fun!" She cheered, giving you a quick hug. You thanked her and walked outside. Max was waiting on the sidewalk. It sounded like he was mumbling to himself but stopped once he heard the door open. He turned around to face you and his eyes widened.

"Hello gorgeous." Max grinned, reaching a hand out to help you down the stairs. You took it and walked with him to the car.

"Hello yourself, handsome." You elbowed him gently in the side. He wiggled his eyebrows at you, earning a loud laugh. You got in the passenger side and he got in the drivers seat. On the way to the restaurant you both had your favorite album playing.

You got to the restaurant and immediately was overcome with a sense of awe. The exterior was pretty nice, but the interior was even more extravagant.

Once seated, you ordered your drinks and talked

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Once seated, you ordered your drinks and talked. The conversation carried on throughout dinner between bites of savory food. After dinner, the waiter brought over the bill which Max refused to let you look at. Finally you gave in and let him pay. The waiter gave Max the receipt and Max stood. He took your arm and instead of going out the exit, he went up some big luxurious stairs. Ignoring the confused glances you sent him, you continued up into a ballroom that looked like the dining room you ate in, but without the tables and chairs.

There was a man at the door taking tickets. You began worrying then, what if he didn't have tickets? As you both approached the man, Max handed him the receipt from dinner. Now you were nervous the man would laugh and tell you to get out. But instead of laughing, he smiled at you both.

"The free dance with dinner. Not a bad deal, eh?" He nodded, then let you both through. Once inside you sat at a table and Max got some champagne.

"How did you plan all this?" You questioned.

"I have my ways." He shrugged. A smug smirk was playing on his lips as he took a sip of his champagne.

You both finished your glasses, then went out to dance for a bit. Max said he wanted to make up for the last dance experience you both shared. That was not fun. But thankfully, no one got kidnapped or drugged or tied up in a basement and interrogated so that's a plus.

On the way home you listened to the radio some more with the windows down. The cool night air blowing your hair back. You felt so relaxed and more calm than you felt in months.

Once home, it was almost 10pm. Ross and Tim were in the living room watching an anime. They noticed you walk in and take off your shoes and jackets.

"Oooh the love birds are home." Ross teased.

"Max and (Y/n) sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Tim sang.

"Yeah yeah, goodnight guys." Max rolled his eyes. You probably would've punched Tim on the shoulder if your feet didn't hurt so much. Instead you and Max went into your own rooms and changed for bed. Once ready, you knocked on Max's door. He opened it and smiled cheekily at you.

"Got room for another?" You winked. He blushed and let you in. You ran and jumped into bed and he slid in next to you. He wrapped his arms around you and soon you were fast asleep in your lovers arms.

  The End....

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