Chapter 5- Drug Deal

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You saw one man, your target conversing with another man. Well, they were talking until you busted the door in. You pulled out your gun, and Max did the same. You kept it pointed at the floor, and walked closer to the target.

"Hey, remember me?" You asked. You could see him tremble a bit. You walked closer to the man who was shaking.

"L-Look, I-I don't have the money.." He stuttered. You heard a click and felt the cold metal of a gun against the back of your neck. Must be his friend had a trick up his sleeve. You heard another click and Max's voice.

"Don't even think about it. Drop your gun." He demanded. You smirked the tiniest bit. Soon the gun was removed from your neck.

"On the table." Max growled. You heard the gun hit the table, and you straightened up.

"Now, you know I need that money. So I suggest you fork it over, or I may be forced to do something bad." You said, giving him a glare.

"I told you, I don't have the money. But I have something else. Can we make a trade?" He asked, rubbing his hands together nervously.

"Our boss doesn't like drugs, if that's what you're wondering." You hissed. He chuckled, then pointed to a briefcase. His friend grabbed the briefcase and placed it on the table. The man opened it to reveal 5 bottles of prescription meds.

"These will sell in no time if you know where to look for buyers." The man smirked.

"I said no drugs, I don't dirty my hands with this stuff." You frowned.

"These 5 bottles are worth twice the amount I owe your boss. Sell these, it'll be like getting interest." He said. You eyed the pills, then turned to Max.

Max seemed to have an unsure look on his face. You felt the same way, it was a sketchy deal to make, but it would earn back the amount this man owed plus racked up interest.

"How are we even going to sell these?" Max asked.

"There's an abandoned warehouse not far from here. Take these there, and see John. He'll find some buyers!" The man nodded.

"I don't like this idea, you know he won't like the money if it came from drugs." Max replied, looking you seriously in the eyes. You sighed and glanced back at the briefcase.

"I'll do it." You finally said. You ignored Max's shocked face, and grabbed the briefcase.

"Pleasure doing business with you." The man smiled, shaking your hand. You turned around and left the noisy bar. Once outside, Max spoke up.

"Are you serious?? What if Adam find--"

"Adam isn't going to find out, ok? We're going to sell these, get them off our hands and tell Adam we got the money." You clarified.

"This is disobeying his rules." You both got into the car and you started it up.

"Yeah, well you can wait in the car if you want while I get the money Adam asked for." You replied. He stared at you a moment more, then leaned back in his seat. Soon, you arrived at the warehouse and parked outside.

"I've dealt with drug dealers before. If you're coming in, I need you to follow my lead. Don't say anything unless you're asked a question directly. Also, keep your gun hidden." You said. Max nodded and got out of the car. You grabbed the briefcase and got out also. Max opened the door for you and you walked into the huge building.

It looked like a huge flea market inside the warehouse, tons of tables were set up and people had banners advertising their drugs. You went to the prescription med area and asked around for John. Finally, you were directed toward the stand with a bald man.

He introduced himself as John. You told him about the drugs you needed to sell and he said he could sell them within 20 mins. You told him how much you expected to get and he said that could be done. He suggested you and Max go walk around the drug flea market while he "worked his magic".

You got a few weird looks as you walked around, I guess it was obvious that neither of you really belonged there. Occasionally people from stands would say something or try giving you a free sample. You obviously declined.

Finally, after 15 mins you went back to the table where John was selling. He seemed to be making quite a profit. After finishing with a buyer, John came over to you and smiled.

"Hey, I've almost sold all of the bottles. Got one more left, can you wait a bit more?" He asked. You saw Max roll his eyes, but you nodded. You and Max sat down on a bench nearby and talked for a while. Soon the last bottle was sold, and John brought you over the cash.

"Here it is, your value in full." He smirked. You stood and counted the money quickly. You held $5,400 in your hands. You took the $400 and handed it back to John, knowing from experience it was best to pay a handling fee of sorts.

"For your troubles. Thanks man." You bid him goodbye and left the freaky flea market to head back to the mansion.


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