Chapter 16- Captured

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((Going on a road trip for the 4th of July. Thanks for 1k views!! Happy Independence Day and happy belated Canada Day! Enjoy scary Nick..))

Nick stood threateningly over you. His grin was terrifying you to the core. You glanced over at Max. He was tied to a chair with rope, leaning froward because a couple seconds ago, Nick punched him in the gut.

"Would you like to tell me where it is?" Nick sneered.

"Where's Red, where is he?" You asked. He glared in reply and smacked you hard.

"I ask the questions!" He screamed. You hung your head, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"Well? I said where is it?" He asked again.

"I don't know what you're looking for..." You mumbled. He took a step back.

"I'm looking for the diamond. THE most valuable diamond in the country." He answered. You stayed silent. "I heard it was in Adam's possession." He added.

"Who told you that?" You asked, yet regretted it as soon as the words left your mouth. You expected him to slap you again, but he didn't.

"Captain Sparklez. He said he saw you taking it into your mansion."

You sat back and stared at the wall for a moment. Then formulated an answer.

"I don't know what he saw, but we don't have that diamond. I'm being honest here." you retorted. He glared straight into your eyes. You could tell he was watching your facial expression for hints of lies.

He relaxed after a minute passed then glanced around the room.

"Then who does have it?" he asked with a more calm tone.

"I'm not sure." you shrugged.

Nick sighed, then stalked out of the room. That left you and Max in silence. You weren't sure what to say exactly so after a few minutes of silence, you glanced toward him.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, um I'll be fine." He replied, coughing a bit after. "Does your cheek hurt?"

"Just a little." You nodded.

"Do you still have that knife?" Max asked. You squinted into the dark, trying to distinguish your surroundings. You couldn't see much but you saw a table over to your left and the outline of your clutch on it.

"It's over here.." You said. You tried rocking the chair over to the table and actually managed to get close. But your hands were still tied to the chair. You sighed and hung your head.

Just when you'd about given up, the door opened. Your head shot up and stared at Red. You smiled as Max greeted him.

"I bet you guys are glad I'm here, right?" Red chuckled, walking toward you.

"Red, get the knife out of my purse." You instructed. He nodded and got to freeing you both. Thank goodness he was there when that door opened, and not Nick. Though it seemed like he had believed you anyway.

Red finished cutting your ropes off and said he knew the way out. Max and you grabbed your things and a weapon if you didn't already have one, then left. The three of you managed to escape the mansion without being caught. Unfortunately, the car was gone. No where to be found so you all had to walk home.

Finally home, you three got changed and quickly went to bed. It was about 3am, and you all needed sleep. It had been a rough night.

While the three heroes slept, a certain Adam was admiring a certain precious jewel.


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