Chapter 6- Tattle Tale

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The drive home was silent. Painfully silent, and you were happy when you finally reached the house. Max and you went inside, your heart was pounding against your chest anxiously. You didn't like lying to Crime boss Adam, but you got the cash and that's all that mattered...right?

You went up to Adam's office right away, your heart refusing to quit beating so rapidly. You walked in and placed the cash on his desk.

"Wow, he payed you?" Adam asked, truly astonished.

"Yep, payed the debt plus interest." You replied.

"I knew I could depend on you (Y/n)." He grinned. You dismissed yourself and decided to hit the hay since it was past midnight.

The next morning went by as normal, regular breakfast, regular shower, and watching some regular tv. Everything was great until Alesa walked in. She gave you a disappointed expression and told you Adam wanted to speak with you.

Crap, did he find out where the money came from?

You went up to his office, your nerves were on edge. How would he punish you? You knocked and Adam told you to come in. You walked in and Adam dismissed Max. You said nothing, and sat down.

"(Y/n)...did you lie to me?" Adam asked, looking up at you with sad eyes. It broke your heart, and you bit your lip.

"Yes. I lied about the money. The target insisted he didn't have enough, but he had high quality drugs. So I just...sold them for the money." You admitted. You looked down in shame.

"Unfortunately I have to give you a punishment for this. I want you to stay in the mansion for a week. No missions, no anything." Adam clarified. You nodded sadly.

He dismissed you and you left the office. On your way back to your room, you saw Max.

"Thanks a lot, rookie." You huffed. You went into your room and shut the door. You figured a new painting would help you release the anger you felt toward Max and Adam at the moment.

Taking out your acrylics, you set up a new canvas on your easel. You began selecting colors like red, yellow and black. You put in your earbuds and turned up your favorite punk band. You painted and painted until your arm and legs began aching. You turned the music off and sat down on your bed. You sat for a while and observed the painting your anger made. (Painting in the photo above).

After you were done staring at it, you went down to the kitchen and grabbed a hot pocket. You went back to your room to eat the hot pocket, and fell asleep afterwards.


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