Chapter 13- Red Handed

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((Do you like my clever title? I thought it was clever. Ha...ha. Oh, who's going to see Finding Dory by the way? I can't wait! It looks really funny. Also I like the pictures I found for this one. Enjoy the story!))

At the breakfast table, everyone had questions for you. They asked about the restaurant, and who you thought was behind it. Though you didn't gather much information on who could have planned that, seeing that you left so quickly.

Some were disappointed that you didn't have information, but they understood you three just wanted to escape the situation that night.

Adam suggested scoping out the restaurant later, so you took Red and got into stealth mode. You both went down to the city again, first stopping to get ice cream of course. You and Red were dressed in dark casual clothes and big sunglasses. You both wore fedoras also, and sat across the street from the restaurant on a bench. It was almost noon, so they were about to open up for the lunch crowd.

As you watched, you saw a black car pull up in front and 3 men got out. You held your hand out and Red gave you the binoculars. Pulling them up to your face, you squinted and saw Nick a.k.a SGCBarbierian. What was he doing there? Did he own the restaurant? You watched them walk inside and you quickly gave the binoculars to Red.

"It's Nick." You stated.

"Nick? Why would he be after us?" Red questioned. The look on his face read 'dumbfounded'. You just shrugged and leaned back on the bench.

A moment of silence settled over you both, then Red spoke up.

"Now what, do we get closer?" He asked.

"I wired the place earlier. When you got the ice cream." You mused. He stared for a second, clearly impressed with your skills.

You pulled your phone out of your bag and tapped into the microphones you placed in the restaurant. You both listened closely, first not hearing anything but some footsteps. Then finally Nick began talking.

"You what? What is the problem with you guys?? They escaped?" Nick retorted. He sounded really mad. There were some mumbles, but Nick cut them off again.

"I thought my directions were very clear. Capture the two, and interrogate them!" Nick hissed. So he wanted information? You wondered what he wanted to know.

" We tried but there was a third. He knew about the poison in the girl's food. He escaped my grasp and tased Rob." Another man said.

"Wait...shut up..." Nick said suddenly. The man apologized, but Nick cut him off.

"Shit...they wired this place." You heard him say. Ice cold fear encased your heart. You quickly turned your phone off and shoved it in your bag.

"Let's go now." You urged, grabbing Red's wrist and pulling him off the bench.

You glanced over at the restaurant and saw Nick and three men with guns run out. You took off running down the street toward the parking lot where you parked the car earlier. Finally, the car came into sight. You were a foot away from the car when shots were fired and Reds hand slipped out of yours. You stopped and looked to him. He got shot in the leg.

You helped him stand and limp to the passenger side. He slipped inside, and you grabbed your pistol from your waistband. Using the car as cover, you picked off two men that were closest to you. Smiling briefly, you hopped over the hood of the car and pulled open the door.


You got hit with a bullet in the shoulder. Pushing through the pain, you got inside and started the car. Quick as you could, you drove the car back to the Sky mansion. It was somewhat difficult driving with one arm, but you managed. Just a block from the house, a black car approached you quickly. They drove too close for comfort and the passenger pulled out a gun. They began shooting at your tires in an attempt to slow you down.

Thankfully no later had you arrived and pulled sharply into the driveway. Red and you both cringed in pain as your injured limbs hit the car doors. Maybe that turn was too sharp. Either way, you knew you had to do something so they'd stop shooting at you.

You hopped out of the car and began shooting at the tires and front end of the car. Soon, smoke billowed from under the hood. The car screeched to a stop and all the guys got out, running the opposite direction. Once they ran far enough away, you helped Red out of the car and into the house.

Just as the door closed behind you both, a loud explosion was heard out on the street. Max peered out the window in shock, and he turned back to you.

"Cool guys don't look at explosions!" He sang, a grin plastered on his face. You three started laughing at the stupid joke, then went to tend to the wounds.


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