Chapter 2- Pancakes

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((Please give me Youtubers names in the comments!! Thanks, enjoy!))

Red suggested pancakes, and you happily agreed. You pulled out some pancake mix, and a bowl for mixing. Red helped you ready everything, and grabbed some pancake mix and tossed it into the bowl. Some of that mix fell onto the counter.

"Dude, you're making a mess that way." You smirked, trying to look displeased.

"Oh really? How about now?" Red grabbed a handful of pancake mix and chucked it at you. The entire front of your shirt was covered with a floury mess. Your mouth hung open in shock, but you soon closed it and pressed your lips together in a tight smirk.

"That's how this is gonna be?" You mused. The smug look on Red's face pissed you off, so you decided to do something about it. You tossed a handful right at his face, and he stumbled back. Soon, these antics led to an all out war. You hid behind the open door of a cabinet, while Red hid behind a wood chair.

Max walked in at the wrong time, earning himself some powdery pancake mix to the face. You both stood up and began laughing hard at his unimpressed expression. You walked over and wiped some of the mix off his cheek. His eyes softened when you touched his cheek, and your hand lingered there for a moment.

You pulled back and looked away, muttering a quick apology to him. You could feel heat rush to your cheeks in embarrassment. Turning away, you looked around at the mess you and Red created.

"Guess we should clean up before anyone else sees..." You said. Red grabbed a mop and you cleaned up the counter. Max just awkwardly left the room to go clean off his face. Once everything was clean, you grabbed a bowl of your favorite cereal.

You went back out to the living room and plopped down on the couch. Red did the same, grabbing some lucky charms. Ross was sitting on the couch with Kitty Perry in his lap. On the TV, Dora the Explorer was playing.

"Hey Ross, why are you watching Dora?" You asked. You were somewhat used to him watching strange shows, but this was new.

"I'm learning Spanish." He replied simply. You squinted at him and brought another spoonful of cereal to your mouth. You glanced at Red, who shrugged and continued eating. You shrugged also and stared at the TV.

After a while, Dora was trying to figure out what path to take through the forest of doom.

"The left path, or the right path?" Dora asked, pausing to listen for a response.

"Left Dora! Azul!" Ross exclaimed.

"The red path? Rojo?" She asked, pausing once more. Ross face palmed.

"Come on, you can obviously see there's less rocks on the blue path." Red spoke up. You nodded, and kept watching. Eventually, Dora found the right path and made it to who knows where. Alesa walked in just as the theme song played for the next episode.

"Uh, what are you guys doing?" She asked. You all looked over at her and Mason who was squirming in her arms.

"Watching Dora. We were learning Spanish." Ross replied. Alesa shrugged and sat down. You all watched the next episode of Dora, just with much less sarcastic comments.

After wards, you took a look at the time, it was 10pm. Mason fell asleep during the show, so Alesa took him to bed. You stood up to stretch, and the front door opened. In walked Tim, he was out of breath and looked panicked.

"Tim, man what's wrong?" Ross asked. Tim closed and locked the door quickly.

"It''s them..." He panted, his eyes wide in fear.


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