Chapter 26- Vacationing

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((Comment the Youtuber you want to see next in the story! Anyone but the people in the Mafia. I may not choose your Youtuber if I don't know them, but I'm always up for a challenge.))

Silently, you opened your eyes and stretched. However, your stretching was stopped short when your hand met an object. You pulled your hand back quickly and turned cautiously to your side. You relaxed slightly, realizing it was only Red. His eyes were closed and he was fast asleep. You smiled at his adorable face, he looked so peaceful.

Your eyes traveled down to his shoulder and your breath caught in your throat. He wasn't wearing a shirt. Slowly, you lifted the blanket to peek underneath then breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing like that happened. Though, would you have minded if something had happened? You shook your head, trying to stop the blush from forming.

You turned to lay on your back and placed your hands over your stomach. You laid for a while, just thinking about random things. But your relationship with Red and Max stayed present in your mind. You remembered the day yesterday at the lake and a smiled graced your features.

The bed moved beside you and a tired voice asked:

"What are you smiling about?" You looked to Red and smiled slightly more.

"Just remembering the day in the lake yesterday." You replied.

"We got Max good, didn't we?" He chuckled. You laughed and nodded.

A knock sounded on the door, so you walked over and opened it. Max was standing there still in his Gravity Falls pajama pants. He ran a hand through his hair tiredly and smiled.

"Hey, have you seen Red? He didn't come to bed last night." He asked. You quickly glanced back, then shook your head.

"Nope, I don't remember seeing him." You shrugged. He looked around the hallway for a minute then shrugged also.

"Okay, see you at breakfast." He smiled. You nodded and closed the door. You turned back and sat on the bed again.

"Well I'm hungry. Should we get ready for breakfast?" You asked. Red nodded but grabbed your wrist when you went to stand up.

"Wait, do you remember what happened last night?" He asked, a hint of amusement behind his eyes. You faced him again and thought hard for a moment but gave up.

"Well, after that amazing dinner that Alesa invited me to watch a movie. So we watched the movie and after, we were both too tired to move. We um, kissed. Then we fell asleep." Red explained. You blushed and stayed silent for a moment. You felt the bed move as Red shifted closer, he didn't let go of your wrist once. He brought his hand up to the side of your face and turned you to face him. You stared into his eyes, feeling the fluttery feeling in your stomach again as he leaned closer.

Your eyes fluttered shut and his lips touched yours. The flutter exploded and your head felt light and airy. You pulled back and a love-sick grin stretched across your face. Red grinned too. You cleared your throat and quickly jumped off the bed. You grabbed some clothes and ran to the bathroom. You quickly got changed and freshened up, then left the bathroom. When you got out, Red was already dressed and ready to go downstairs.

You went downstairs to the kitchen and said good morning to everyone. You saw Alesa was making omelettes, and she asked what kind you wanted. You told her what you wanted in your omelette, and waited with a plate for her to finish. You didn't wait long before it was finished cooking. She put the hot omelette on your plate and you sat down next to Max.

After eating your delicious omelette, Max asked if you wanted to go swimming. You said yes and went upstairs to put on your swim suit. You put a cover on over your suit, picked out a pair of flip flops, then went out to the porch.

"Ready?" Max asked once you stepped out the door. You nodded. He linked arms with you and you both walked to the lake.

Once at dock, he placed a beach ball down and took off his t-shirt. You wanted to question where he got the beach ball, but decided to stare at his bare chest instead. It was sorta mesmerizing. Once you broke out of your trance, you turned away and blushed. You hesitantly pulled off your cover and laid it on a bush.

"Ladies first." He grinned. You huffed and ran down the dock, jumping off at the last moment to dive in. You popped up above the water and swam off to the side to give Max room. He threw you the beach ball, then jumped in also. For the next hour, you threw the ball back and forth and played 20 questions. Then you spent another 30 minutes just laying on the sand, sunbathing. It was so relaxing.

The rest of the week was just as great. Just as relaxing as a vacation should be. A couple days you spent playing video games inside, but mostly you enjoyed the fresh air. One day, you and Red even climbed a tree. That night you both sat in the hot tub to soothe your sore muscles.

It was a vacation that everyone needed, and it seemed like everyone was enjoying it. However, it was important that your group went back home in order to keep the peace, and continue to make money for important things like food and video games. So Saturday night, there was a somewhat somber mood around the place as everyone packed up to head home the next morning.


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