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one | ❝He's not talking about the ones that are dead, Rick❞

AURORA STIRED IN HER SLEEP, an unknown pain shooting through her neck ending at the back of her head. When she opened her eyes, she squinted, a dim light making it hard for her to see. Her sight adjusted quickly, however, and she quickly noted she was in a small bedroom, and that her hands had been tied to the bed post. The rope dug into her wrists painfully, leaving sore marks. Of course, nervousness instantly filled her as she failed to escape the rope of her captor.

She groaned loudly, thinking about the ways to get out of the situation. Well, she wouldn't be in this situation had she not helped Rick. After barely escaping with her life, Aurora didn't want to be responsible for other people; surviving alone is easier, as you don't need to worry who you get killed.

"Hello?" she whispered, after a few minutes of thinking. A few murmurs arose from outside the room she was staying in. A man with dark skin hurried in, followed by - who was presumably - his son. The man showed Aurora a knife, dangling it in front of her face, taunting her with the blade.

"See how sharp it is? You try anything, I will kill you," he threatened, staring into her eyes. Aurora stared back, coming to in an unspoken, yet mutual understanding with him, and he cut her free of the ropes. She rubbed her wrists soothingly, the pain still as strong as ever. The thumping headache was subsiding now, and Aurora figured out that the source was coming from a bandage wrapped around the back of her head, a few specks of blood absorbed into it.

"We're just getting ready to have supper," the man added, his hand lingering by the door frame. "Come down when you're ready."

Aurora sat up and stared around, trying to stop the world from spinning. She couldn't just trust these people; that was crazy. Her hand shot towards her belt, and she was relieved to find her knife still in place. Deciding it best to head downstairs as instructed, Aurora began out the door and down the hallway.

Stumbling slightly, Aurora stopped at the top of the stairs. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in a mirror next to her, her reflection almost scaring her. It was the first time in months that she had seen herself apart from occasional dirty windows and puddles. Her once beautiful blonde hair, was now matted and dirty, which was a shocking sight, to say the least. The clothes she had loved were bloody and ripped at unfixable angles. Aurora sighed, and glared away. She didn't care that much about her appearance. Heck, she had more important things to worry about, but that still didn't take away from the fact she looked horrible.

Aurora's hand shook slightly as she reached for the door knob at the bottom of the stairs, the voices inside indicating everyone was here. Rick smiled up at her as she entered the dining room, making her feel more relaxed. Rick was a good guy, there's no doubt about that. But good gets you killed in this world.

"You okay?" he asked her, standing up and walking towards the window nearby. Aurora nodded and sat opposite the man who had tied them up, he too offering a friendly smile. Rick's hand traced the blankets, before he tugged lightly to look outside.

"Don't do that," the man warned, glaring at Rick," they'll see the light. There's more of them out there than usual. I never should have fired that gun today. The sound draws them."

"You shot that man today," Rick said, turning around to face Aurora, as if to get her to back him up.

"Man?" the man question, raising his eyebrow and acting as surprised as Aurora felt when she found out Rick was clueless.

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