twenty six

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twenty six | ❝that's so fucked up❞

THE SOUND OF THE CAR driving towards the farmhouse made Aurora's stomach leap. She had been doing nothing but worry, much to her annoyance, about the return of Glenn. Each time she tried to do something, whether it was helping Lori with washing, or comforting Carol, or teaching Carl card games, her mind travelled to the same place; was Glenn okay?

She had heard the car from inside the RV. It was during the card game with Carl, and the two of them shared the same smiles on their faces knowing the people they cared about most had returned. Carl wasn't at 100% yet, so Aurora hoisted him onto her back and set out towards the car.

"Are you okay?" Aurora yelled as she spotted Glenn getting out of the car.

"I always am," he replied. Aurora crouched down so Carl could run to his father, but she stopped him as she caught a glimpse of an extra body in the car. She knew Hershel would be returning, but there was extra body unaccounted for.

"Who the hell is that?" T-Dog demanded, appearing behind Aurora and pointing towards the car. Aurora looked at Glenn with uncertainty. He shrugged, and that's when Aurora noticed the blood on his clothes. The fresh blood.

"That's Randall," Glenn explained, "or what's left of him."

Randall was a 'stray', as Glenn put it. He was apart of a bigger group who tried to attack him, Rick and Hershel. There was a shoot off, and Randall ended up on the roof to try and snipe them. As Glenn explained, Aurora only grew more confused. Why would they bring someone who tried to kill them back to the group? Back to where Carl was recovering.

Glenn insisted that Randall wouldn't be an issue, due to his leg having been impaled on a spiked fence. Aurora shuddered to think of that. It made her feel sick. There was a shed far away enough from the camp that Randall that he wouldn't pose a threat if his leg magically healed.

There was a divide between the group, however. And by divide, it was Dale vs the world. Whilst everyone thought that either setting the stray free, or killing him, was the best idea, Dale thought that integrating him into their society would be kinder.

"What do you think?" Andrea had asked Aurora as they listened to the sounds of Daryl beating a crippled boy.

"Honestly?" Aurora asked. "I hate to say it, but I agree with Shane. Having a random guy around Carl?"

"Not just Carl," Andrea said. A loud bang came from inside the barn, and the muffled sound of Daryl yelling filled the air. "But you too. And Beth, and Maggie. Walkers will just kill you. Men won't."

Aurora nodded. She knew that Shane was right, and she felt better knowing that Andrea shared her opinion. Not only that, but so did Rick and Daryl. Glenn was more than anxious to get rid of him, and T-Dog seemed to be counting down the days until his demise. The only person who was team Randall was Dale.

Andrea and Aurora jumped up as Daryl came out of the barn. He shook his hand, blood flying across the grass. He grunted at the two women, then set off towards Rick.

"What did you do to him?" Carol asked as Daryl approached. He shrugged.

"We had a little chat."

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