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fourteen | ❝plus, I'm a shit shot❞

AURORA PEERED OVER AT CAROL, who was staring at the forest, anxiously waiting for her daughter's return. It was painful to watch, and as much as Aurora hated to do it, she pitied Carol. And in most circumstances, especially like this, pitying people is expected. But not for Carol. Her entire adult life spent with Ed, people have pitied her. Aurora didn't want to add to that. She knew Carol was strong; she knew Carol didn't need pity.

"It's late. Gonna be dark soon." Carol said to Aurora, sadly. Her eyes were focused on the tree line.

"They'll find her." Aurora said, rubbing Carol's back. Carol nodded weakly.

"Where's my gun?" Andrea demanded, causing Aurora to jump. She turned around and saw Andrea talking to Dale. "You have no right to take it."

"You don't need that just now, do you?" Dale questioned, fiddling with the RV engine. Aurora headed towards Dale and Andrea. She knew how much Andrea loved that gun, but she also knew how out of line Dale was.

"My father gave it to me. It's mine." Andrea said, angrily.

"I can hold onto it for you." Dale said.

"Dude, it's her gun, give it back." Aurora said, surprised by Dale's actions. It seemed sexist for Dale to assume responsibility for Andrea and her gun. Especially since she's one of the best shooters in the group.

"Everything cool?" Shane asked, wondering over. For once, Aurora was happy he was butting in. Surely he could see the blatant sexism Dale was displaying.

"No, I want my gun back." Andrea spat, shooting daggers at Dale.

"I don't think it's a good idea right now." Dale admitted.

"Why not?" Shane and Aurora asked at the same time.

"I'm not comfortable with it." Dale said. Aurora scowled and rolled her eyes. She opened her mouth, about to retort with some smart mouth reply, before being cut off by Shane.

"The truth is," Shane started, "less guns we have floating around camp the better."

Aurora opened her mouth in awe. "You're kidding, right? That's Andrea's gun. It's not your choice what happens with it! You turning over your weapon?"

Shane chuckled and bit his inner cheek. "No. But I'm trained in its use. That's what the rest of y'all need is proper training. But until that time, I think it's best if Dale keeps them all accounted for."

Andrea started to argue, however Aurora pulled her away. She quickly glanced around to see if anyone was looking before pulling her own gun from her pocket. Andrea scowled and glared at Aurora in disbelief.

"They didn't take it away from you?" She asked, bewildered. Aurora shook her head, them handed the gun to her.

"I don't use it that much. I know it's not your gun, but it's still a gun," Aurora shrugged, "plus I'm a shit shot."

The RV was more comfortable than expected. Andrea and Aurora had been sleeping on the small couches, whilst Dale slept upright in the drivers seat, allowing T-Dog to rest in the bed. Rick had found an array of weapons in a truck a day prior, and Aurora had woken up to the sounds of the group deciding who gets what. Today was an excursion to try to find Sophia.

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