2- That day he broke down.

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Hiccup was chief, Toothless was the alpha, Valka was home but Stoic was dead.

I admired Hiccup for how brave and strong he was, he dealt with his chief duties so well, considering what had happened. But he showed no emotion, it was if he was trying to ignore his father's death and hoped that it hadn't happened.

After one of his busiest days, I decided to go visit him in his hut. Gently, I knocked on the door and a quiet 'come in' sounded from inside. As I stepped through the door's threshold, I was greeted with the sight of Hiccup with his head resting on the table and Toothless was hanging from his perch like a bat.

"Evening Milady." He yawned as he sat up.

"Hey." I smiled softly. Slowly, I trudged over to the table and sat down on the chair next to him. "How are you doing?" I asked as I lie my head on his shoulder. Hiccup sighed heavily, it sounded as if he was ready to let his words flow like a river.

"I'm fine." He forced a smile at me. I cocked my eyebrow, giving him the 'really?' glare.

"You can't be Hiccup, not after everything that has happened in the past couple of weeks." I mumbled to him. Hiccup's jaw clenched, he blink furiously as his eyes glassed over. "Please talk to me." I begged, my voice crackled slightly. I couldn't take much more of his silent pain.

"I'm not." He finally choked out. "You're right Astrid, I'm really not fine."

"Then please, for the love of Thor! Talk to me Hiccup!" I cried. Tears were now threatening to spill out of my eyes.

Hiccup breathed another shaky sigh. "I miss him..." He whispered so quietly I was surprised I heard him. "I-I don't know if I can do this without my dad." He rubbed his face with the back of his hand in an attempt to cover his expression. I could see his chin wobble and the sound of his choked back sobs.

"But he's always with you Hiccup, here." I mumbled, placing my hand over his heart. It was beating steadily but his breathing was jagged from the crying. "Stoic always knew that you'd be an incredible chief someday, that day may have came sooner than expected but trust me Hiccup, you are going to make your dad proud, he's up there right now in Valhalla probably singing your praises. I'm here with you, your mom and heck the whole village is behind you, making you stronger by the day."

"I love you Astrid." Hiccup smiled sadly. He cupped my cheeks with his hands and pulled my face closer to his until our lips met.

"I love you too." I whispered once we had pulled apart. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in the crook of his shoulder. "I love you so much."


Hope you enjoyed! I don't know about you but for me the emotions are strong xD

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