13- Getting down on one knee. Part 1.

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Today was the day. Today was the day Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, chief of Berk, was going to propose to his girlfriend, the fearless Astrid Hofferson. 

Was he nervous? Words could't begin to describe how nervous he was. 

For weeks on end, Hiccup had spent most of his free time in the forge designing the perfect engagement ring for his divine beauty. Hiccup had molded a silver band to fit Astrid's ring finger exactly, then on the inside the words 'My love, for eternity' were etched in tiny Norse letters. Hiccup had even managed to get a sapphire from Trader Johann but he decided to save that for Astrid's wedding band, that's if she accepted. Besides, Astrid wasn't to bothered with fancy items, it was the sentimental value that counted to her. 

Carefully, Hiccup tucked the finished ring inside the chest plate of his flight suit, ready for later on when he proposed. 

"C'mon Bud! Let's go find Astrid." Hiccup grinned, he motioned for his dragon to follow him out of the forge into the village square. 

As usual, Astrid was down at the dragon academy helping the younger vikings learn how to tame dragons. Hiccup strolled down the slope with Toothless and waved in Astrid's direction to get her attention. A wide smile spread over her face as she spotted him. 

"Look everyone, we have a very special visit from Chief Hiccup!" Astrid exclaimed. The group of eleven year old's whipped around and waved at Hiccup in excitement. Suddenly, Snotlout appeared beside Hiccup, Hookfang just stared at his rider with disappointment. 

"Hey! Don't forget about me! The chief's cousin and the guy who actually sticks around to teach you stuff!" Snotlout cried as he waved his arms around in front of Hiccup, trying to divert the attention away from him. Ruffnut strolled over and smacked Snotlout around the head with the back of her hand. 

"Uh, leave him alone Snotlout, Hiccup is here for Astrid!" Ruffnut chuckled knowingly. A few weeks back, Ruffnut had walked in on Hiccup at the forge whilst he was making the ring. Hiccup had intended to keep the proposal a secret until he had actually done it but clearly that plan didn't pan out to well. 

"Yeah..." Hiccup muttered in agreement. Ruffnut pulled Snotlout away by the ear and Hiccup proceeded forward to Astrid. "Good day Milady!" Hiccup grinned as he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. 

"Oh well isn't this a nice surprise receiving a visit at work from you." Astrid gushed as she wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck. 

"Oh well you know how I am, I like to keep you on your  toes." Hiccup replied. "Once you're done here could you meet me at the cove?" 

"Of course I will." Astrid responded. Hiccup leaned down and pecked her lips before sauntering off back to his chiefly duties. 

"I'll be waiting!" He called as he left the arena. The class began to collect themselves and Astrid, Ruffnut and Snotlout went back to teaching. 


Down at the cove, Hiccup had laid out a nice little picnic dinner for he and Astrid and Toothless had ignited a small fire to keep the couple warm. As promised, Astrid arrived at the cove as soon as possible. 

"What's all this?" Astrid exclaimed in astonishment as she dismounted Stormfly. Hiccup strolled over to her and enveloped her in a hug. 

"It's all for you Milady." Hiccup replied with a big grin. He took hold of Astrid's hand and guided her over to the picnic blanket. 

"I-it's wonderful, thank you babe!" Astrid beamed. She pecked Hiccup's cheek before going to sit down. 

"Wait Milady, I have to ask you something..." Hiccup whispered nervously. Astrid gave him a questioning glance but stayed standing. 

Here goes nothing! Hiccup thought. His heart was beating at the speed of a Night fury. Hiccup took hold of both of Astrid's hands, he sighed heavily trying to calm his nerves and he stared right into her sky blue eyes. "Milady, I love you more than life itself, we have shared so much over the past six years and we've made so many unforgettable memories...and if it's alright with you, I'd like to make more together, for the..uh..rest of our lives." Hiccup gulped nervously, Astrid's eyes were glassy with tears. 

Then, with much discomfort (from his peg leg) Hiccup got down on one knee and pulled the ring from his armor and held it up to Astrid. "Astrid Hofferson, will you marry me?" 

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