14- How did I get my name?

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"Mama?" A four year old Freyja spoke up. Astrid, who was sweeping up the kitchen floor, looked up at her daughter with a questioning expression. 

"What is it, Freyja?" She asked softly. Astrid placed down the broom and sat beside her daughter. 

"How did I get my name?" The little girl asked innocently. Suddenly, Hiccup, whom was sitting on his chair sketching, dropped his charcoal stick and glanced up at his wife in panic. Her face held the same emotion. The two had decided to refrain from letting their daughter know how they decided upon her name. An eleven year old Hagen snickered from his spot on the table. He'd worked out how his sister had come to be named. 

Astrid scratched her arms nervously. 

"Well uh, it's a pretty name, for our pretty daughter." Astrid spoke up softly. Hiccup strolled over and crouched beside his daughter. He placed a small kiss on her round, rosy cheek. 

"The prettiest in the village." He added. Hagen released a louder laugh now. 

"No! You named her after the day she was made! Freyja day!" He cried out, his body shook with laughter. Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other in horror. 

"How in Thor's name do you know how a baby is made?!" Astrid screeched at her son. 

"Ruff and Tuff." He replied simply. Hiccup facepalmed and Astrid's face turned red with anger. 

"Wait, mama, papa?" Freyja spoke up once again. 

"Yes?" The couple responded in unison. 

"How is a baby made?" 


TeeHee! Naughty Hagen xD 

Short but I hope was funny :D

-Lauren xxx

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