16- Welcome to the world, Freyja.

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It had come to the time that Astrid and Hiccup were now expecting their second child. And it was any time now.

"You can't go to the academy today Milady..." Hiccup murmured awkwardly at the breakfast table. Astrid pursed her lips and glared at her husband.

"Babe, I'm fine. I will go to the academy for the morning and then at lunch I'll meet you at the forge. Does that make you feel better?" Astrid negotiated. Hiccup sighed and glanced over at his mother whom was chuckling quietly to herself.

"I guess so, I just want you to be comfortable." Hiccup muttered.

"Dad, I think mama is comfy." Hagen, their son spoke up with a mouth full of eggs. Astrid grinned and nodded in agreement with her son.

"Uh, thank you for that bud." Hiccup mused. Once the family had finished breakfast, Hiccup left to begin his day of chiefly duties, Astrid and Stormfly made their way to the academy and Valka stayed at home with Hagen.

Astrid didn't usually teach at the academy much anymore. She helped out from time to time but today she had taken Ruffnut's place as she had given birth a week ago. Astrid waddled down the slope into the arena and greeted her friends Fishlegs and Tuffnut.

"Woah Astrid, you look like you're about to explode!" Tuffnut exclaimed, his eyes gleamed at the thought of an explosion.

"Tuff, she's pregnant!" Fishlegs reminded.

"Err, I know that!" Tuffnut snickered. Astrid shook her head and laughed slightly. Just then all the young Berkian children began to pour into the arena ready to start their day of dragon training.

As promised, at lunch time Astrid met up with Hiccup down at the forge. He'd been working on orders most of the day so he was delighted to see Astrid when she shuffled into his little work area. Immediately, Hiccup pulled his wife into an embrace and placed a long soft kiss on her lips.

"It's good to see you." Hiccup whispered once they had pulled away. Instead of expecting to see a smile on Astrid's face, she wore a look of panic. "Astrid, what's wrong?!" Hiccup exclaimed sternly, his hands moved to her arms and he bent his knees slightly so their faces were level.

"Hiccup..."Astrid whimpered, her head bowed and she glanced at the floor. Hiccup's eyes followed, the frown on his face disappeared when he realized what Astrid was looking at.

"Your waters!" He gulped. Their eyes met and Astrid nodded frantically, already feeling a small tightening sensation in her abdomen. Carefully, Hiccup guided Astrid over to his chair and she gladly took a seat, she placed her hand on her protruding belly and rubbed it. "Right we need to get you home.." Hiccup muttered.

"Hiccup..." Astrid whispered. She could already feel the first proper contraction. Hiccup, who was pacing the length of the room, did not hear her

"I'll go and get Toothless so you don't have to walk."

"Hiccup!" Astrid suddenly snapped.

"What?! What is it Milady?" He worried. Astrid breathed deeply as a small pain subsided.

"I don't think I'll be able to make it back home at this rate..." She mumbled. Hiccup's eyes widened. Astrid's labor with Hagen was quick for a first time mother and the couple had heard that the second child doesn't take long to deliver but not this quickly!

"Uh, right I'll send Gobber to find my mom!" Hiccup stuttered nervously. He disappeared from the room for a minute then returned, informing Astrid that Gobber was on his way to get Valka. "How are you now, Astrid?" Hiccup questioned. He knelt down beside Astrid's chair and took hold of one of her hands. Her eyes were clenched shut and she was currently breathing deeply.

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