10- Welcome to the world, Hagen.

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Astrid and Hiccup were expecting their first child and the next heir of Berk. The soon to be parents were now twenty-five, their wedding was almost three years ago and Hiccup had been for chief five years now. 

For most of Astrid's pregnancy, she didn't really have any issues. The swollen feet didn't bother her (It was a reasonable excuse to get Hiccup to rub them), the back pains were manageable but she wasn't able to ride Stormfly as much which really bugged her. She had now reached full term and was expecting to go into labour any day now. 

"I can take the day off work if you want?" Hiccup worried one morning. Astrid had awoken with pains in her lower abdomen but Valka had said there was no labour signs yet. She slipped her feet out of bed and waited for Hiccup to help her up. 

"No, you have a village to run." She replied sternly. Hiccup took hold of both of her hands and carefully, helped her to her feet. Her plain linen nightgown fell above her knees when it was actually supposed to go lower but her protruding bump prevented it. 

"But I have a wife and son or daughter that needs me at home." He flashed a smile before helping Astrid get dressed. 

"We don't need you yet." Astrid grinned, subconsciously her hand stroked her bump. "Do we little one?" She whispered. Hiccup sighed in defeat, his wife could be so stubborn. 

"Alright, but send my mom for me if anything happens." Hiccup instructed as he fastened his cloak to his shoulder armor. 

"Of course!" Astrid chuckled. The two sauntered down to breakfast hand in hand and joined Valka at the kitchen table who was already serving some food. 


The day dragged on and there were still no advances. By late afternoon, Hiccup began to believe that the baby just wasn't going to arrive today. 

"Babies barely ever arrive on time." Gobber reassured Hiccup as they worked on some saddles in the forge. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I'm just nervous." Hiccup muttered as he hammered a nail into some wood. 

"No need to be nervous lad, you are going to be a great father." Gobber chuckled. "Stoick would be proud..." His cheeriness trickled away as he remembered his dearest friend. 

"Thank you Gobber." Hiccup said softly. Suddenly, Ruffnut skidded into the forge, gasping for breath. 

"Hiccup!" She yelled. The chief's head shot up, panic written all over his face. "It's Astrid!" She informed loudly, she adjusted her helmet and began to run in the direction of the chief's hut, Hiccup bounded along behind her. 

Astrid placed one hand on her lower back whilst the other was supporting her weight on a chair. Valka rubbed her back as she anxiously awaited the arrival of Hiccup so they could begin making the expectant mother comfortable. Astrid groaned softly as a weak contraction gripped her abdomen. 

"Can he not be any faster?!" She growled through gritted teeth as the pain subsided. 

"He's probably going as fast as he can sweetie." Astrid's mother, Eerika, soothed as she folded some blankets and little outfits for the baby. 

"But I need him! I can't do this without Hiccup!" Astrid cried as a stronger contraction hit. Valka and Eerika exchanged worried glances, Astrid's labour was moving quite quickly for a first time mother. 

After another agonizing minute for Astrid, Ruffnut and Hiccup burst through the door. 

"I'm here!" Hiccup yelled breathlessly. Instantly, he was by Astrid's side, he held her hand and rubbed her back. 

"Good, let's get her comfortable." Valka mumbled. Hiccup began to walk up the stairs, Astrid gripped onto his arm, she was slightly hunched over from the pain now. Eerika and Valka picked up the blankets and furs and followed the couple upstairs. 

Slowly, Astrid lie down on the bed, Hiccup sat next to her and maneuvered Astrid until she said she was comfy, which happened to be with her head resting on his chest, legs bent at the knee and her hands latched onto Hiccup's. Valka got to work with the blankets, placing some underneath Astrid and some to the side ready to wrap up the new born. Eerika had disappeared but quickly returned with some warm water. 

"You are going to be fine Milady, I am right here with you." Hiccup whispered as Astrid squeezed his hands, another contraction pulsed. By now they were more frequent, stronger and more painful. Astrid managed a smile in response but it quickly faded as she bit her lip trying to conceal some pain. 

"Nearly time to start pushing, sweetie." Eerika announced. Astrid nodded before taking a deep breath, Hiccup kissed her temple reassuringly, his heart was thumping so hard it felt like it would burst out of his chest at any moment. 

As the next contraction arrived, Astrid pushed with all her might, she cried out in pain, beads of sweat trickled down her forehead. 

"You're doing amazing!" Valka cheered. She glanced up at her son who was focused on his wife, he was looking a bit pale but a grin was plastered to his face. 


After about ten minutes of more pushing, a little boy had arrived, squealing his head off. 

Gently, Eerika washed off the little boy before passing him to Valka to wrap up. 

"I can't believe we have a son!" Hiccup breathed, tears brimmed in his eyes as his mom passed over the tiny bundle to Astrid. 

"He looks so much like you..." Astrid smiled as she watched her son's eyes flutter open and closed. 

"What is his name?" Eerika smile as she and Valka perched on the end of the bed. Astrid looked up at Hiccup who was staring at their baby, love filled his eyes. 

"Hagen Stoick Asmund Haddock." Hiccup whispered. Softly, Hiccup brushed Hagen's little mop of hair off of his forehead. 

"Welcome to the world, Hagen." Astrid beamed, she pecked his little cheeks before turning and kissing Hiccup's lips. 


Oh my gosh, the feels!!! HICCSTRID BABY NO.1!!!

Of course I'll be writing about Freyja's arrival soon! 

Thanks for reading, leave your suggestions! 

-Lauren xxx      

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