4- That baby of mine. Part 1.

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-Five years after HTTYD2- 


My Chief duties were practically swamping me, I barely had time to fly Toothless or spend time with my wife, Astrid. Finally, after a whole solid week of non-stop work I was able to spend a Sunday with Astrid. 

"Good morning Milady." I smiled sleepily as my eyes opened to reveal her beautiful face. 

"Good morning Chief!" She croaked, sleep coating her voice. My arms snaked around her waist and pulled her up against my body, I kissed her lips deeply which she returned eagerly. "So do I have you all to myself today?" Astrid breathed huskily once she had pulled away. 

"You do indeed." I confirmed. A smirk crept across her face. "What would you like to do today then?" I asked with a mischievous grin. Astrid cocked a brow, a glimmer of an idea sparked in her eyes. 

"I have a few ideas..." She giggled as she flipped herself to straddle my waist.

Yeah well...that was a fun morning!


A few weeks later, I was awoken one morning to the sound of Astrid's feet rapidly thudding  their way across our room. 

"Astrid? You ok babe?" I croaked as I propped myself up. 

"Uh, yeah I'm fine!" She uttered from the washroom. Eventually, she emerged, her blonde hair sprawled over her sweaty forehead. I kicked my legs out of bed before fastening my improved peg leg on then I made my way over to Astrid. 

"You don't look ok..." I whispered as I inspected her face. My hands were gripped onto her shoulders keeping her upright and looking at me. 

"Of course I'm fine, Hiccup!" She chuckled. Sighing in frustration, I helped her over to our bed and tucked her in. 

"I'll get you a bucket." I said with concern. Quickly, I retrieved the wooden bucket from the kitchen and rinsed a towel with water to put over Astrid's forehead. "Here we go..." I whispered softly as I placed the rag on her head. Astrid exhaled a shaky sigh, worry was building up now. "Whilst I'm out today, I'll get my mom to come over and check up on you." I explained to Astrid as I pulled on my leather tunic. 

"There really is no need Hiccup, I'm-" Astrid cut herself off as she lunged over the side of the bed, gripping onto the bucket. I sprinted over and pawed her hair our of her sweaty face. 

"The bucket tells me otherwise." I exclaimed sarcastically. Once Astrid was done, I cleaned the bucket, rerinsed the rag and then strolled outside to feed Toothless and Stormfly. Astrid's dragon, Stormfly, squawked in confusion when she didn't see her walk out of our hut. "She's a little unwell girl," I explained to the Nadder as I scratched her neck. "You can go in and see her." I grinned as I held the door open for the dragon to skip inside happily. 

On my way to the Forge with Toothless, I stopped by my mom's hut. Knocking quickly, I stumbled inside to find her sitting at her desk with the book of dragons. 

"Good morning my dear." She smiled softly at me. 

"Morning mom, what are you doing there?" I asked with curiosity. 

"Just updating some dragon information, how's Astrid?" She muttered as she sketched an outline of her dragon, Cloudjumper. 

"Not to well, can you check in on her when you have some time? I've got to meet Gobber down at the Forge." I sighed. 

"Of course Hiccup." She beamed as she stood up from the chair. She pulled me into a hug before we both left to start our day. 

My long tiresome day consisted of helping Gobber at the Forge, training some new recruits at the dragon's academy, overseeing the construction of the great hall extension and attending a viking union. All I wanted was to go home and put my foot up with a steaming mug of Yak milk in hand and my beautiful wife next to me. When I arrived home, I found my mom was still there with Astrid, they were sitting at the table going through the dragon book. 

"Are you feeling better Milady?" I questioned after I had pecked Astrid on the cheek.

"Much thank you!" She giggled. 

"I'll leave you two alone." Valka grinned. I gave her a confused glance which she returned with another giddy smile. 

"W-what's going on?" I laughed in awkward confusion. Astrid faced me properly and held my hands in hers. "Seriously Astrid, you're scaring me now." I muttered a little more seriously. 

"Hiccup...I'm pregnant!" 

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