15- Getting down on one knee. Part 2.

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"Astrid Hofferson, will you marry me?" Hiccup had a nervous toothy grin on his face, it felt like an eternity before Astrid replied when in reality it was only a few seconds. 

"What a silly question! Of course I will!" She screamed in delight. Rapidly, Hiccup slid the engagement ring on Astrid's ring finger then he was helped up by his now fiancee. 

Astrid hurtled herself at Hiccup and tackled him and a tight hug. She peppered light kisses all over his face before finally crashing her lips to his. She tangled her fingers in the ends of his auburn hair, Hiccup lifted Astrid by the waist and spun her around. 

"I love you so freaking much, Astrid!" Hiccup cried once their lips had parted. Gently, he placed her back on the ground but still left his arms around her waist. 

"I love you too!" She sobbed happily. Astrid buried her head in the crook of Hiccup's left shoulder. 

Both of them were beyond excited to spend the rest of their lives together, so many more memories were going to be made together and they would be able to start a family of their own! 

After a minute or so, the couple settled down for their picnic. Hiccup had prepared all of Astrid's favorite foods, which she was delighted with. As they ate, every now and then Hiccup would catch Astrid staring down at her ring. 

"Do-do you like it?" He wondered. 

"It's magnificent, did you make it yourself?" Astrid asked. Hiccup's cheeks flushed bright red. 

"Yeah I did, it took me ages because I wanted to make it perfect for you." 

"Well I think that its absolutely gorgeous." She leaned over and pressed a sweet kiss to Hiccup's lips. "I can't wait to be Mrs Haddock." She grinned. 

"I can't wait to spend my life with you Astrid, I love you." Hiccup whispered with a wide smile. 

"I love you too, dragon boy." 

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