22- The sanctuary flirts.

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Shortly after the final battle between Drago and Berk, Hiccup and Astrid returned to the icy sanctuary that had once been inhabited by the alpha, thousands of dragons and Hiccup's mother.

Their goal for the trip was to seek out any stray dragons and possibly some abandoned eggs.

"We'll be back before the second moon." Hiccup had reassured his mother, Valka.

"Be safe, Thor knows what was left behind there." Valka warned as she waved off her son and future daughter in law as they took off on their dragons.

It didn't take long to find the trampled icy sanctuary. The remnants of the first battle still present. It was eerily quiet and that unsettled the two, especially Hiccup; this was where his father had sacrificed himself, to save Hiccup.

"It seems like a different place now." Astrid murmured as she dismounted from Stormfly's saddle.

"I wish you could have seen it before, Astrid. It was breathtaking!" Hiccup gushed. The blonde smiled softly in her partners direction, admiring his passionate gaze towards the ice walls that protected plenty of dragons for over two decades. "I understand why my mom stayed..." Hiccup murmured.

The pair ventured inside, heading for the dragon nests first hoping to recover any unhatched eggs. Right in the heart of the best where the alpha once rested, there were a few confused baby dragons flitting about. At the sight of Hiccup and Astrid, they zipped over and bombarded them with affection. Astrid giggled uncontrollably as Hiccup was knocked to his backside by a baby Nadder.

"I think she likes you!" Astrid pointed out. Hiccup smirked at her and petted the dragon for a few minutes until it got bored and fluttered clumsily away.

"Let's gather up these guys and get them back to Berk." Hiccup smiled. Together they rounded up the stray babies who happily followed.

"Uh, Hicc there's quite a few here. Are you sure we've got space back home." Astrid grunted as she attempted to count the restless dragons.

"Well we can't leave them here they're babies!" Hiccup exclaimed. "They're so darn cute as well..." He cooed as he scooped a small one up into his arms. Astrid watched in amusement as the man cradled the dragon as if it really were a baby.

"You're going to make such a great father one day." Astrid croaked. Hiccup glanced up to his partner with a warm smile.

"And you'll be a great mother." Hiccup stated. Astrid scoffed and turned away, trying to conceal the blush that was creeping it's way onto her cheeks. All of a sudden Hiccup snaked his arms around Astrid's waist from behind. She leaned back into his chest and let out a sigh of content.

"Not yet though." She muttered into his ear.

"Oh no way." Hiccup snickered. "I'd probably end up leaving the poor thing on an uncharted island accidentally."

Astrid burst out laughing at the nonchalant comment, she turned in his arms to face him properly and placed both of her hands firmly on his shoulders.

"How about we try not to leave any baby dragons here then, to show we are capable." She said with a smirk. Hiccup nodded.

"But first-" Quickly he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss onto Astrid's lips. "- I had to do that." He added. Astrid smacked her hand against his leather armour.

"Keep it in your pants, Haddock." She scolded half heartedly.

"Alright soon to be Mrs Haddock, I'll save it for now."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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