7- "That day, everything fell apart."

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(Modern, Play music) 

Dear Hiccup,

I only you saw you that morning. Before work like usual. I made you coffee whilst you cooked the pancakes, you were always the better cook. 

Toothless lingered around our ankles like usual, begging for his cat food. Stormfly scratched at the cat flap. Nothing out of the ordinary. 

You kissed me before you left, and you told me to have a good day, I wished you the same. I told you to drive carefully. 

When I got the call, at 8:47 am, the blood rushed from my hands, my feet...everywhere. The phone hit the floor with a crash shortly followed by my knees and then the slap of my hands. 

I wish that I could have been there. 

That day, Hiccup. That day, everything fell apart. 

I cried heavily when they showed you to me. I said: "That's not my Hiccup." 

My heart truly shattered when they brought you down the isle. Placed you in front of everyone. 

When I spoke, I explained how you enjoyed the simpler things, like a walk in the park or the pride you felt when you were able to help out patient at work. No one could have felt more broken than I did that day. 

You were placed down below, alongside your father.

 Your mother placed some flowers, I presented your favorite book. I stayed next to you for a while, even when It started to pour hard with rain. 

It hasn't been long now, since that day. But I haven't counted. It hurts to count. Don't fret though, there isn't a moment when I don't think of you, or a slight detail reminds me of you. 

I miss the pancakes, the coffee kisses, the Sunday morning cuddles. I miss it all, Hiccup. 

I miss you. 

I love you.

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