9- Stressed out.

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{I'm not continuing with the chapter theme of 'That' anymore xD I'm to lazy to.}

-A year after HTTYD2-

Astrid was out on her usual early morning flight with her Deadly Nadder Stormfly. As she glanced below, the vikings as usual were chipping away at the remaining ice that the BewilderBeast left behind from the great battle that happened about a year ago. Slowly, a soft grin spread over Astrid's face as she spotted her boyfriend and Chief, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, leaving Mead Hall with his uncle Spitelout behind him. 

"All I'm saying Hiccup, is you should just take my idea into consideration!" Spitelout chuckled nervously. Hiccup grumbled irritably, his hand scratched the back of his neck in thought. 

"Uh, I'll think about it, right now I gotta get down to the Academy." Hiccup muttered. He waved goodbye to Spitelout and began to trundle over to the Dragon Academy as fast as his one and three quarters legs could carry him. Toothless must've been somewhere nearby getting used to his new Alpha title. 

Astrid frowned at Hiccup's state, from where she was he looked hunched over and tired. Suddenly, she urged her Nadder down and they swooped past Hiccup before landing a few feet in front. 

"Good morning, Milady!" Hiccup smiled. He gave Stormfly a pat before enveloping Astrid in a hug. 

"Good morning, Babe." Astrid sighed into his shoulder. They stayed in the embrace for a few more moments before finally pulling away. "Everything OK?" Astrid asked with a sweet smile. Hiccup tried to muster a smile but failed miserably. 

"Yeah, yeah of course." He chuckled, trying to brush it off. Astrid placed a hand on her hip, her lips pursed and she shot him a questioning glare. 

"I don't think so, you're stressed out." She concluded. The chief couldn't even argue back, because it was true. He had been non stop working all week and not only was work stressing him, Stoick the Vast's anniversary of his passing was approaching. It was all getting a bit too much. "Hiccup, you need to have a break." Astrid mumbled. She lifted her hands and cupped her boyfriend's freckled cheeks, instinctively Hiccup leaned into her touch. 

"But there is so much work to be done, Astrid." 

"I'm sure your mom wouldn't mind taking over for the rest of the day." Astrid persisted. "C'mon, let's get you home." She smiled. Astrid linked her hand with Hiccup's and they began walking back to their hut, which they now shared, with Stormfly trotting along behind. 


Astrid pulled Hiccup over to his chair where he gladly plopped down and propped his feet up in front of the fire. Astrid removed his shoulder pads and proceeded to place them onto the kitchen table. 

"Are you feeling a little better?" Astrid asked as she perched on the edge of her chair. 

"I'd feel even more better if I could cuddle my favorite person!" Hiccup grinned, he stretched his arm out for Astrid to take his hand which she gladly accepted. Suddenly, he pulled her over and Astrid landed on his lap. She giggled slightly as their eyes met. 

"I love you Hiccup, remember that." Astrid sighed happily. 

"I love you too Milady, don't you forget it." Hiccup grinned, in that moment their lips met and all of the stress melted away.   

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