12- Heal.

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-Aged 17-

It wasn't possible, Hiccup refused to believe it. 

The great and fearless Astrid Hofferson fell to the ground with a cry of pain, an arrow had hit her in the side cutting deep down into her flesh. 

"ASTRID!" Hiccup screamed. He clicked his foot in Toothless' stirrup and they zoomed towards the snowy ground, ignoring the battle going on around them. The divine beauty had tears falling down her cheeks at a rapid pace, the blood from her wound began to pool on the crystal white snow, staining it crimson. Hiccup leaped off of his dragon just as he was about to land, the boy sprinted as fast as his leg and peg leg could carry him. 

Astrid had curled up, her knees almost touching her chin. Rapidly, Hiccup skidded next to her, he hadn't a clue what to do. 

"Son!" Stoick the Vast boomed from a few metres away, quickly, he realized what was going on and joined Hiccup at Astrid's side. 

"What do we do dad?!" Hiccup cried, his hands were shaking as they hovered above Astrid's body. 

"Get her back to Berk, now! I'll take care of everything here!" Stoick instructed. Hiccup nodded in response before gently lifting Astrid into his arms. She groaned loudly in pain as Hiccup began to walk. 

"I'm so sorry Milady, but I need to get you back to Berk." Hiccup croaked. 

"I love you Hiccup." Astrid whispered, she was so weak that her voice was barely audible. 

"Please hold on Astrid..." Hiccup pleaded as he placed his girlfriend on Toothless' saddle, he quickly mounted the dragon and clipped his foot in the stirrup and within seconds Toothless shot up into the air. 


By the time they had reached Berk, Astrid had fallen unconscious. Hiccup had taken off his fur jacket and pressed it around Astrid's wound trying to prevent the blood loss. 

Gothi, the village healer, got to work on Astrid as soon as Hiccup placed her on the bed. 

"Uh, Gothi thinks it's best that you leave whilst she fixes Astrid up." Gobber said as he translated Gothi's sand scrawl. As he knew that Astrid was in good hands, he nodded in defeat and quickly kissed Astrid's forehead. 

"Stay with me." Hiccup whispered in her ear. As Hiccup stood up, Gothi ushered him out of the room leaving the boy to worry with his thoughts. 


Astrid had fallen into a coma. Gothi had removed the arrow, stitched up her wound and wrapped it in bandages before having the girl moved to her house where she would hopefully be more comfortable. 

Hiccup was devastated, he hated seeing his divine beauty so weak and helpless. Everyday he would sit beside Astrid's bed, watching over her, feeding her a similar concoction that he had when he was in a coma. Hiccup would also take Astrid's Nadder, Stormfly, for daily flights. After three weeks, people were beginning to believe that Astrid would never wake up, that her heart beat would slowly fade and she'd breathe her last last breath. 

"C'mon Milady..." Hiccup croaked one morning. He'd just arrived at the Hofferson hut and was now perched on a stool beside Astrid's bed.  Carefully, Hiccup placed one of Astrid's hands in his and gave it a small squeeze. "You're almost healed, you should wake up now." 

Astrid didn't even stir. Hiccup groaned as he rested his head against Astrid's hand, concealing the droplets of tears that were now falling down his face. "Please Milady, I love you..."Hiccup shuddered as a sob wracked his chest. 

Toothless warbled from beside his rider in sympathy. Hiccup cried for more than half an hour, he was afraid he'd never see his divine beauty's crystal blue eyes again.

 But for one brief moment, Astrid's eye lids began to flutter. As the light finally streamed into her vision, her eyes fully opened. 

"H-Hiccup?" She croaked weakly as she noticed her boyfriend sobbing beside her. Astrid wiggled her fingers that were enveloped in Hiccup's calloused hands. Suddenly, his head shot up, dismay written all over his freckled face. A small smile spread onto Astrid's lips. 

"You're awake!!!" Hiccup cried happily. He  bounced up off the wooden floor and began dancing around with joy, Toothless hopped up and down alongside his rider. After Hiccup's dance of joy, he helped Astrid to sit up who was still recovering from a fit of giggles. "I thought I'd lost you..." Hiccup breathed as he sat beside Astrid. 

"What? You think an arrow would kill me? Psshh!" Astrid chuckled. They both paused to laugh for a moment but they stopped as soon as Hiccup cupped Astrid's cheeks. 

"I love you, Astrid. Just don't scare me like that again!" With that Hiccup leaned in an pressed a long soft kiss to Astrid's lips. 

Astrid grinned once they had pulled away. She wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck in an embrace and rested her head on his leather padded shoulder. "I love you too, Hiccup." 

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