19- For the love of Thor!

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Dagur the Deranged had a death grip on Hiccup's tunic, pulling the eighteen year old face to face.

"I've waited for this moment a long time, brother Hiccup..." Dagur hissed, holding his perfectly polished knife centimeters from Hiccup's throat. Behind the pair, locked in an impenetrable cage stood Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs and Snotlout; they cowered as the scene unfolded before them.

"Leave him alone!" Astrid screamed as she tried to rip free of a captor's grip. Dagur began laughing hysterically, for a moment the knife moved away from Hiccup's throat and he managed a nervous gulp. He wasn't going to lie, he was pretty freaking scared. Toothless, whom was locked in a cage several meters away roared furiously, he was so desperate to blast out of the cage and blast Dagur into an oblivion but he couldn't as the shackles around his ankles and the cage he was trapped in were made from the same 'dragon proof' material as the other cages.

"SHUT IT BLONDIE!" Dagur bellowed, pointing the knife to her instead.

"Don't tell me to 'shut it'!" Astrid cried, she inhaled deeply, her heart pounded

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"Don't tell me to 'shut it'!" Astrid cried, she inhaled deeply, her heart pounded. For a brief moment her deep blue eyes connected with Hiccup's entrancing green orbs. "You can break my soul, take my life, beat me, hurt me or even kill me!" She paused for a moment, breaking her glare at Dagur to glance at Hiccup again. "But for the love of Thor...don't touch...him." Tears threatened to spill out of Astrid's eyes but she remained strong, jutting out her chest, standing tall even with her hands bound. 

"Awe, how sweet..." Dagur cooed. His grip on the teenager loosened and Hiccup hit the floor with a thud. Instantly, he scrambled away out of Dagur's immediate reach. Slowly, the deranged man began to stroll toward's Astrid, his shiny knife now turned to her. "But why should I listen to you?" He growled, lunging forward and grabbing a fistful of her hair. Astrid released a strangled sob, trying to remain strong. 

"B-because-" Astrid was cut off as she felt the coolness of the blade press against her throat, but not so much that it would inflict damage. 

"DAGUR! NO!" Hiccup shrieked, he tried to stand and dive for Dagur but his foot had been shackled. Frantically, he wracked his brain trying to conceive a plan to now save Astrid. He couldn't let her die, he just couldn't! 

"Because what?!" Dagur snapped however his face was curious, everyone was curious. Snotlout gripped onto the bars of the cage and pressed his face between a gap trying to gain a better look. 

"I-I" She gulped as the look of curiosity faded from Dagur's face, it was replaced by anger. Suddenly, the blade was pressed harder and Astrid gasped as she felt the warm red liquid trickle down her neck. "I love him OK?!" She bawled. Instantly, Everyone's jaws dropped, including Dagur's and Hiccup's. "So just kill me and not him!" 

"No! NOO!" Hiccup boomed, in one quick movement, he jerked upwards and threw himself across the wooden deck, as he landed he snatched at Dagur's foot and yanked him downwards, his foot flew from beneath him causing the psycho to crash to the floor. His head snapped back and hit the wood hard, knocking him unconscious. Dagur's knife had fallen beside him, Hiccup took his chance and swiped the weapon from the deck and then dug at the lock that bound a chain to his ankle. Quickly, he broke free and powered towards the guy holding Astrid's shackle. Hiccup landed a crunching punch to the surprised thug and he was knocked to the floor. Hiccup made quick work of freeing Astrid, then Toothless and finally the others. 

Just as Dagur came too, they took off on their dragons and soared as far away from Dagur's ship as possible. 

"I'LL BE SEEING YOU AGAIN BROTHER!" Dagur raged, throwing his fist in the air. 


Once they had all landed back on The Edge, Astrid made herself scarce, she needed time to think before she could face Hiccup and it was her absence that was making him more and more nervous.     

Did she just say she loved him to get out of the situation? Or did she really mean it? Sure in the past they'd kissed a few times and Hiccup had a crush on her for Thor knows how long...

Hiccup groaned at the ceiling of his little hut, he tossed to the side, his eyes resting on Toothless' sleeping shadow. 

"At least someone is getting some rest." He muttered. Just as he closed his eyes and was about to start counting yaks, there was a soft knock at his door. 

"Hiccup?" Astrid whispered. Rapidly, Hiccup sat bolt upright in his bed. Astrid was here, she was outside! 

"C-come in..." He croaked. Slowly, the door creaked open and Astrid tiptoed inside. She had taken off her shoulder armor and boots, so as she padded across the floor she was as quiet as a mouse. 

"Can I sit?" Astrid asked, pointing to the edge of Hiccup's bed. 

"Of course!" He squeaked, flustered that the person who had claimed she loved him earlier on was his bed. "Wh-what's up?" He mumbled, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Astrid gave him a weak smile before resting her head on his shoulder. 

"I love you Hiccup..." She whispered again. Hiccup's heart immediately picked up in pace. 

"I love you too, Astrid." He responded truthfully. Her head darted upwards, her mouth had formed a small 'o' shape. "Thank you for saving me today..." Hiccup gushed. Before Astrid had a chance to reply, Hiccup had snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her close, his eyes fluttered shut as his lips hovered above Astrid's. Time seemed to have froze for the pair as their lips gently pressed together. Astrid was slightly taken back, this was the first time Hiccup had ever kissed her first! 

Their lips moved in a slow unison and they savored the taste of one another. Hiccup had placed one hand on the nape of Astrid's neck and guided her head closer, she had both of her hands locked onto his shoulders. After another minute they pulled away and Hiccup rested his forehead against Astrid's, both were breathless and feeling the rush of the kiss. 

"So Hiccup, does this mean we're a thing?" Astrid smirked. Hiccup chuckled lowly, she could feel his chest vibrations from their close proximity. 

"Only if you want us to be Milady..." Hiccup smiled. 

"Well then, boyfriend, you better kiss me again." Astrid instructed with a giggle. Hiccup had no objections, he pulled her in once again and crashed his lips to hers. 


I'm really happy with this chapter xD

Just thought i'd let you guys know that...

Message me your requests! I'd love to include them! 

-Lauren xxx

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